Unforgivable Lies

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This is a story of love and betrayal, in which two people must overcome the hardships and the odds that seem to be driving them apart just as they are fighting to remain together. In which a haunting past catches up not with just one, but both characters as the story progresesses. Because, what when the event that changed your life turns out to be the one that still haunts the dreams of the one you love? When you find out that your deepest, darkest secret isn´t only your burden to bear, but also his? This is a story about life, in which nothing is ever as it seems and everything seems rather unfair. But, when is life ever fair?


Oh, and just FYI, this whole story is dedicated to @bealadantra95, because I completely fell in love with her books, specially Descendant of Merlin (Which is a Severus Snape love story)... So yeah, it kinda inspired me to write this one.

Unforgivable Lies (Remus Lupin)Where stories live. Discover now