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Hello lovelies! Here goes another chapter, simply because I keep coming up with more and more things to write about in this story, and if I dont, my head might explode! I hope you people out there will comment and vote on this story, please please please do so. I love knowing that my stories are being read.....


As I made my way outside, all I could really think of was Lupin. For some reason he just kept popping up within the confines of my mind. His eyes, his voce, the fact that he was a werewolf. Why I was so interested in what he was was still a mistery to me, but somehow he had managed to awaken something in me. This deep sense of curiosity and the wish to understand was something I hadn't felt in a really long time.

Walking across the frozen ground I tried to think of something else, but somehow my mind kept drifting back to Remus. He had ceased to be Lupin in my head a while back, I just hadn't wanted to admit it to myself. And yet, here I was, having some silly internal debate as to wether or not calling him by his first name meant anything. Sighing in frustrarion I couldn't really make up my mind, so instead I picked up my pace and headed towards the lake. The waters edge was now frozen, the ice reflecting the last rays of sun as twilight bathed the whole landscape in its golden glow. Further away from the waters edge waves rippled across the surface and shadows seemed to swirl underneath the surface.

Snow had falllen the previous night, and a blanquet of the white powdery stuff covered nearly everything. In my minds eye I replayed the last Christmas I had spend here, hiding away in my room, hoping to be left alone and dreading it at the same time.

I was about to head back to the castle, but as I cast one last glance around me I saw a shadowy figure standing underneath the Whomping Willow. My curiosity spiked, I started in that direction, only to halt after several dozen paces when I realized who it was. Then, without really meaning to, my feet carried me precariously close to the brutal tree. Somehow, however, it remained still, allowing me to come to a stop only a few paces away from the person standing there.

"...How did you....?" I asked, uncertainty clear in my voice.

"Stop the tree from beating me to a pulp?" Remus said with a small smile.

I nodded.

"Something I learned when I was still in school" he finally answered, looking at me carefully.

There was a brief silence, and when a gust of wind made me shiver I unconciously pulled my cloak tighter around me.

"...What you did today, with Snape.... that was pretty impressive" Remus said suddenly, smiling at my startled expression.

"Thanks" I managed, my teeth chattering as I burried my hands in my pockets in an effort to keep them warm.

"No, I mean it. Even back in our days Snape was known because of his duelling. That and potions" Remus said at my look of disbelief.

"....You and Professor Snape... you're not very fond of eachother" I stated, looking at Remus.

"Not really, no. Even back then we hung around different crowds" Remus answered, looking slightly unconfortable, as if recalling his schoolyears was somehow painfull.

"Different crowds?" I muttered, quircking an eyebrow "That seems like an understatement...."

Remus chuckled, but the emotion didn't reach his eyes.

"Yeah.... we kind of hated eachothers guts" he confessed, chuckling when I smiled knowingly.

"C'mon... he can't be that bad" I said as I smiled at Remus.

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