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Mauw mauw. I know I havenp't updated in a while, but here it goes anyways. This storty is a short one and it could be finished within five chapters. Lets see how long it takes me hehe.


"Look Miss Corvin, I'm not here to hold your hand and be sympathetic! I'm here to help you figure out why you turn into a raging beast every time you have a nightmare!" sneered Snape as he eyed me with a furious look in his eyes.

He had been using Ligilimency on me for the best part of two hours. The memories of the Orphanage became worse and worse as he delved deeper and deeper into my subconscious, causing me a lot of physical and emotional stress. I was a mess. Shaking, feeling shaky and weak, trembling uncontrollably and shivering from the cold ambience in the dungeons all I wanted was to crumple to the floor, curl into a ball and cry my eyes out.

The memories Snape accessed kept getting worse and worse. The fact that I had been physically abused at the Orphanage was now blatantly evident, and reliving all those aweful times was defenitely taking it's toll on me. The trips to the hospitals, he bullying, the pain, it all came ruusg back to me as Severus dove deeper and deeper into my mind.

~"You FREAK!"  the blonde-haired girl shouted, her finger pointing accusingly at  mthe ypung girl. Me. "You're worthless! A mistake! An abomination!"

Standing at the top of the stairwell I felt scared, my body dhaking with ttemors I couldn't control, the feeling of panic overwhelming anything else.

Tears stung my eyes. Why me? What had I dont to deserve this? Was I really a freak?  A mistake? Was that why no one seemed to care?

The questions grew louder and louder within the confines of my mind, the terrifying feeling of loneliness only enhanced by the frantic beating of my heart, a tattoo against my ribcage.

"...just-just leave me alone..." my voice was nothing more than a broken whisper, and I couldn't think straight as hot tears spilled down my cheeks.

Then the girl was upon me, her nails slicing through my cheeks like butter, blood inmediately welling up from the wound. Scarlet droplets scattered around like beads from a broken necklace, staining the tiled floor as the two girls fought. I was trying to fend off the attack, my body wracked with sobs I couldn't control. I wanted to act, to fight her, but I knew that if I did it would only be worse later. I could end up hurting her. And I didn't want that.... right?

I was backing away from her now,  in the hopes of lessening this seemingly endless attack. Placing one foot behind the other, my hands were protecting my face, tears making my vision blurry.

In my state of desperation I failed to see the top steps  of the stairs.failed to notice until it was too late how precariously close I was to the edge of the stairs.

Suddenly it was as if gravity ceased to exist. That feeling of weightlessness that seems to grip your limbs in an unbreakable hold. Then I was falling, falling, toppling backwards and seeing the mean gleam in the girls eyes before landing with  a terrible sound on the stone steps. The sound of snapping bones, the creaking a sickening sound in the apparent silence as my head bounced on the heavy steps....

...and the pain, oh, the pain.....~

I was breathing heavily when Snape finally pulled back, extracting himself from my memories. His ezpression was unreadable, and yet I saw something flicker in those black eyes. Pity? Symphaty? Understanding? It was gone before I could figure out what it was, and I shrugged to get that nasty feeling of emptyness off of me.

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