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Okay, so here goes another chapter. Vacations here just started so I have about three weeks in which I´ll be able to update more than usual. Let´s see if if I manage to make this story come together a bit more....


There was a deafening silence as Snape turned three shade paler that normal, his eyes flashing a dangerous charcoal as he sneered at Lupin.

Without waiting for an answer he walked about a dozen paces into the hall, his cape bellowing around him and a deep scowl etched into his features. Turning around he had his wand out before I had time to blink, and just as I was about to say something he raised his eyebrow suggestively. And that movement, that annoying little quirk, said more than a thousand words. It was likse something inside me snapped at Snapes dismissiveness. He was just testing me, challenging me to actually try and duel him. And he was acting as if I stood no chance whatsoever.

Which I probably diddn´t.

Addmitedly, he was rumored to have been a Death Eater. True, he was like 9 years older than me and had fought in the Wizzarding War (although on whose side was something I´d rather not think about). And, most importantly, he was a freacking teacher. So teacnically all odds were pretty much against me.

And yet, something inside me wanted to challenge those inconveniences. To beat those odds and actually give him a fight. To stand up for myself for what seemed like the first time in ages. To actually feel alive. Even though it would probably result in me losing.

So instead of apologizing like I had been about to do, I bit my tongue and tured around, sighing at my own stupidity. This was asking for trouble, and I knew it. And yet, my inner Slytherin was rejoycing in the fact that I´d remained true to myself, that even though we´d probably lose this in about a million embarassing ways, we´d still be able to keep our heads high. Because we tried. 

Making my way to the middle of the hallway I took out my wand, breathing in and out a couple of times and trying to ignore the fact that Dumbledore was standing ight there, looking at me in mild amusement. Lupin was eting me like I was some sort of circus attraction, clearly not having expected my sudden urge bravery. Bill, on the other hand, was standing there with a huge grin plastered on his face.

Great. Just great.

"What kind of a duel?" Snape hissed, clearly not interested in wasting any time with formalities.

"...Anything but the unvorgiveable" I answer, just as determined to not show any weakness.

Something flashed in Snapes black eyes. Respect, meybe? Or perhaps that was just whishful thinking on my part.

It was clear that Snape expected me to make the first move, and so I did.

"Bombarda!" I exclaimed. The dismissive flick of Snapes wand easily deflected the curse.

"Expelliarmus!" I hissed, followed by "Depulso!"

Again Snapes protective charms made short work of my hexes. So instead of wasting time enunciating spells I decided on something a bit more challenging. Non-verbal magic. I had learned that you could fire off more spells and curses if you didn´t bother actually pronunciating the words. Having spent a lot of time practicing I was pretty confident I´d be able to at least rattle Snape.

Confringo! I thought, and as Snape deflected the spell I could see suprise flicker in his eyes. My spell was deflected, again, but now it hit the wall, sending chunks of plaster and stone sailing through the air. Damn, I´d have to fix that later.

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