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Mauw. I thought about it and it seems easier to finish this story first before my obsession with Forbidden Fantasies gets the better of me and drives me insane. So, here it is.

I know I haven't updated in this story in lik forever so I apologize for that...


It was one hell of a talk with Jenna and Dorian. First, I had to explain to Dorian that no, Remus wasn't taking advantage of me and no, I wasn't under some sort of spell. I couldn't really tell them about the Werewolf thing or me being an animagus, but it was nice to have someone to be able to talk to. Then Jenna walked in and I had to start over, explaining everything from the start.

But now it was time to for me to go meet up with Remus. I had packed an overnight bag and was terribly excited to spend a weekend with him. True, we would have to be locked in and Remus would turn into a werewolf and I myself would shift into a wolf.....but still.  It was the first time we would spend the night together.  I didn't think anything would happen, but I also knew I trusted Remus. Utterly and completely.

I also knew that Remus was having doubts. Not about us, no, I had enough faith in my rapidly growing feelings for Remus to not doubt that he cared for me, but about his ability to control himself. He doubted himself.  And that, I knew, was a dangerous thing. He was afraid he'd hurt me again. That he'd lose control. I'd just have to prove to him that he was wrong.

With that thought fresh in my mind I headed for the Great Hall, saying a quick goodbye to Dorian, who made some crude joke about being safe,  and Jenna, who was giggling like a kid in a candy store when I mentioned Bill to her. Those two would probably bee an item before the weekend was over.

After that I headed outside, making sure no one saw me leave. McGonnagall had been dubious about letting me spend the weekend in the company of a known Lycanthrope, but Albus had reassured her that Remus could be trusted, and that, after all, I was an adult by wizzarding standards. Luckily she didn't seemed to be aware of the relationship between me and Remus, or else she would have done a lot more than just voice her reluctance. She would have stopped me. After all, the Head of Gryffindor was more than a little protective of the students at Hogwarts. Everyone said she was strict, but I could see the motherly affection and care the woman held for all of us beneath that stern exterior. 

When I reached the gates that gave entrance to the castle grounds, I immediately saw Remus's thin figure, leaning against a tree, arms crossed over his chest. 

Smiling warmly at him I walked over and gave him a soft kiss, the feeling of elation slightly diminished by the worried look in those green eyes.

"Ready?" Remus asked, his look intense as he watched me nod eagerly.

"Yes. Let's go" I breathed, trying to look serious instead of all giggly and happy like I was feeling inside. For the first time in ages, I might add.

"Look, Ashlynn...." Remus started, passing a hand through his hair, a sign that I had learned to associate with agitation and nervousness "You can still say no. Remain here. I won't-I won't hold it against you if...-"

I cut him off.

"-Don't start Remus" I warned him, pressing a finger against his lips when he wanted to argue "I've made up my mind about this. The Full Moon is tonight, and I want to know how far I've come with this whole 'control' thing... Besides, you have the wolfsbane potion to keep you in check"

"I-I just don't want to hurt you" Remus breathed, ignoring the finger I had pressed against his lips.

A shiver ran through me as his warm breath fanned my finger, and I briefly wondered what I was to do with all these intense feelings that had started appearing whenever it came to this man. It was too soon. Too early. And yet he affected me more than anyone ever had.

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