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Well... fellow humans, I´m not really sure why I´m wirting this story, just that I recently became kinda obsessed with Harry Potter fanfics. I found the most amazing story bout Snape (Descendant of Merlin, by @bealadantra95 which is AWESOME by the way), and I decided to write my own. Maybe I´ll keep writing it, maybe I wont. Just bear with me.


I was tired.

Yet another sleepless night had made the pale skin underneath my eyes turn a deep shade of purple, and even though I tried to keep it together I felt my nerves seething just underneath the surface as I made my way to the Great hall.

My sixth year at Hogwarts and still the nightmares lasted. Even though it was more my home than anywhere else, I still felt somehow lonely, wondering through the deserted halls and empty corridors. As I pulled my emerald green cloack tighter around me I tried desperately to not let my mind wander. To not think of the nightmares.

It was strange, actually. Because can you really call them nightmares when what you dream about is real? If the images that haunt you actually happened?

Because every time I closed my eyes, the images that would flash behind my eyes would make me cringe. Screams, noises, the sounds of fighting and the smell of blood were still fresh in my mind as I made my way to the Slytherin table as I entered the Great Hall. Sighing I sat down without really caring about where I was sitting or who was around.

"Soemone´s looking glum"  Jenna said from beside me.

My head snapped up, only to meet Jennas inquisitive gaze. Jenna Ashford was in my year, and one of the few people I considered my friend. With her small stature, pale blond hair and beautiful green eyes she was stunning. 

"Yeah.... what happened?" Dorian chimed in. Doran Hardwell, on the other hand, was tall with slightly curly brown hair and a develishly handsome smile. With his black hair and blue eyes he catched a lot of eyes, most of which belonged to the female population at Hogwarts.

"Nothing" I muttered, trying to sound a bit more cheerful "Just a little tired"

Jenna nodded and Dorian continued wolfing his food down like he hadn´t eaten in weeks. I couldn´t help but feel a tad better as I looked at my two best friends. I was observing them as I tried to eat a bit myself, but I ended up just pusing the food around my plate, my stomach protesting aganst the smell of food. I didn't have much of a social life and was considered a loner, but Jenna and Dorian were two people I'd like to think of as my friends.

"You should really eat something, Ash" Jenna said with a worried look at my barely-touched plate.

"Indeed, you look like you could use a good meal" Dorian chimmed in, eying my  black robes that did nothing to hide the fact that I had been losing weight.. Jenna elbowed him in the ribs, resulting in Dorian nearly choking on his toast and eggs. He realized how what he said must have sounded and started to apologize, but I raised my hand to stop him.

"It´s okay" I said. They looked at me incredulously "Really, it´s cool. You´re both right, I should eat more"

But as I forced a few bites of toast with straberry jam down, my stomach churned and I was quick to gulp down a few sips of pumpkin juice.

"So what classes do you have today?" Jenna inquired as she glanced casully around the Great Hall. But I knew better. She was trying to catch a glimpse of Bill Weasly, the handsome Griffindor that was in our year and in Jennas Herbology classes.

"N.E.W.T level potions with snape, then a free period, D.A.D.A after and Ancient Runes right after lunch" I said without giving it too much tought "Oh, and Charms"

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