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Well, last chapter had more of a romantic vibe to it, but somehow that didn't sit entirely right with me. So, in this chapter, things are about to change drastically. How? Read and find out ;) Oh, and don't forget to comment and vote for each chapter please!


When I woke up, I knew I was in trouble.

One: I wasn't in my bed, I knew that much for sure. Beneath me the something hard had made my entire body stiffen up over the night. Every muscle ached and it was fucking freezing. I was betting I was either suffering from shypothermia or a freaking icicle.

Two: my head was punding like I had the worlds worst hangover. Even the thought of opening my eyes was sickening, making my stomack churn and bile rise in my throat. I felt like I had been beaten within an inch of my life, noises and smells making my head pound with a dull ache that had me trwembling.

Three: Something was very very wrong with my arm. I didn't know what had happend or what was wrong, but I knew that I was in deep trouble. As awareness spread throughout my body, sending tingles from the sole of my feet to the tips of my fingers, I became aware of the pain. The agonizing ache that spread through my arm as I moved in the slightest.

As I tried to move, I was inmediately discouraged from doing so by the flaring pain that originated from my arm, a scream escaping my lips. My voice was hoarse and croacked, curtesy from the winter weather, and as I felt tears of pain welling up in my eyes I fought to remain concious. When I twitched slightly pain had me spasming and with another scream my eyes flew open.

I was in a forest. The forbidden forest, if I would take a wild guess. My eyes nearly closing against the bright morning light I saw the trunks of several trees in my surrounding, and as I bucked against the cold forest ground my breath came in short bursts, clouds forming when I exhaled. Breathing in and out a couple of times and trying to remain as still as possible, I tried lifting my head to be able to examine my arm. Rising my head very slowly I had to fight the urge to throw up as the movement had me writhing in pain and my stomach lurching at the ever so slight movement. When I finally dragged myself into a position in which I could observe my arm, I inmediately wished I hadnt.

Black dots danced before my vision, and I could only stare, open mouthed, at my arm.

If you could call it that.

Because it looked like a paw.

A paw.

As my mind laughed at the stupidity of that statement, the other half of me couldn't help but notice how real it looked. It was as if the joint at my elbow had been ravaged by some wild animal. Deep teethmarks and profound slashes dug into the pale flesh of my elbow, reaching as far as my forearm. Blood soaked the snow around it, and I could only imagine the internal damage done to the bone and surrounding tissue. But that wasn't the worst part. No, the bad part was the fact that my arm didn't even look human anymore. From the elbow down it looked like the giant paw of some animal, covered in fur. Thick wiry muscles coiled beneath the reddish fur, which was like a deep copper, nearly auburn and a little brownish. And where my hand should have been, was, well....a paw. The heart-shaped pad where the palm of my hand should have been, calloused and rough, and four oval-shaped pads where my fingers should have been. Hell, I even had long, sleek-looking claws that protuded from the tips of my so-called "fingers". Curved and pointed, they actually looked quite lethal.

Observing this rather calmly, my mind seemed unable to assimilate the information my eyes were feeding it. This couldn't be real. There was no way in which this could have ever happened. It was impossible. Completely and utterly impossible.

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