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*10 weeks pregnant*

Four weeks have passed and things went on as usual. Jessica still hadn't told any one else about the baby. She was still in her first trimester and was still scared she might miscarry.

She had morning sickness but she hid it from Patty Ann and her parents. Although Dorothy was concerned about her daughter's health because even though Jessica thought she hid it well, Dorothy could still tell her daughter was sick.

Patty Ann also was very observant and noticed a change in her mother. She couldn't put her finger on it; she saw her mother glow. It was the only word to describe how Jessica looked. Plus, she noticed her mother's belly began to grow just a tiny bit. Although, Patty Ann never made the connection that her mother was pregnant. She figured maybe her mother was just gaining weight. Which is why she didn't say anything to Jessica. She didn't want to hurt her mother's feeling if that were the case.

Jessica would hide the small bump that had appeared with baggy blouses and cardigans.

Jessica was still having some morning sickness and again, Patty Ann noticed. She would ask Jessica if she was lying about her doctors appointment. Jessica knew she would have to tell Patty Ann soon because she was tired of saying she was okay every time Patty Ann would ask.

It was now May; Jessica celebrated her forty eight birthday in April and she felt as if she should see Dr. Rice even more but Dr. Rice assured her that she and the baby were doing really well. He didn't think it was necessary to schedule more appointments.

One morning, Jessica was home alone while Ruth was at work and Patty Ann was at school.

Ruth was able to keep her nine to five job. Before she came out as transgender, Ruth was a tractor inspector for a very successful tractor company in town.

Frank, the man who Jessica had the affair with was Ruth's boss. Frank had always been fair and was one of the very few to support Ruth at the work place. When things were real bad, Frank had to give Ruth a desk job to keep her safe. Despite the affair, Frank was still fair to Ruth and paid her the same as before.

Ruth and Jessica talked and it was decided that Jessica would stay home and rest. They didn't want anything to happen to Jessica or the baby.

Jessica was in the kitchen making herself a snack when the phone rang. She reached over the counter and answered it.

"Hello." She said.
"Hey Mom!" Wayne said. "I didn't know you would be home. I was prepared to leave message."
"Wayne!" Jessica replied excitedly. "My baby boy! How are you?"
"I'm doing good." He said. "Listen, I know this is last minute but...I'm in town and I have some news for you, Dad and Patty Ann. I thought maybe we can come over for dinner tonight?"

Just like Patty Ann, Wayne still called Ruth Dad. He had a more difficult time when Ruth came out with her news but now Wayne was learning to except Ruth for who she truly is.

"We?" Jessica asked.
"Yeah, uh, me and Ashley." Wayne said.

Ashley was Wayne's girlfriend; they met a few years ago when the band Wayne was working for was touring. Jessica and Ruth had met Ashley once before and they thought she was a sweet girl.

Wayne still worked for the band but he was making some changes really soon, which is why he wanted to have dinner with his family so he could tell them his plans.

"Oh of course!" Jessica said. "I'll make your favorite!"
"Thanks Mom. Oh! Will you call grandma and grandpa Lange? I want them there as well." Wayne said.
"Yes of course I'll call them soon." Jessica said.
"Awesome. Is 6:30 alright to come over?" Wayne asked.
"Yes that's sounds fine." Jessica said.
"I'll see y'all soon Mom." Wayne said.
"See you soon. Bye." Jessica said as she hung up the phone.

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