I Remember You

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It was now thanksgiving day and everyone went over to Ruth's parents house.

Jessica was three weeks away from her due date. In the last few weeks, the pregnancy was taking a toll on Jessica. She was sure her age played a major part in how she was so done with the pregnancy. She was tired all the time no matter what and she wasn't sleeping well at night. She wanted the three weeks to hurry so she could finally meet her baby boy and hold him in her arms.

Jessica sat the sofa as everyone waited for thanksgiving dinner to be served. Her hand was glued to her belly. She would experience Braxton Hicks contractions every so often now and the baby had dropped the night before.

Jessica tried to be social and enjoy her time with her family which normally she would have, but, she was just not feeling this holiday this year.

After dinner was served and eaten, Ruth didn't want to go home just yet so Jessica decided to go upstairs to Ruth's old bedroom and lay down for a bit. She excused herself and gave everyone a tired smile as they told her to get some rest.

Jessica closed the door behind her once she reached the bedroom and walked to the bed. She groaned in relief as she laid down.

She laid on her side and rubbed her belly in gentle circles. Her baby boy was beginning to settle in her womb and she was able to drift off to sleep.

An hour later, Jessica woke up. She opened her eyes and sighed. She needed to use the bathroom. She sat up then stood up from the bed.

She stretched a little then made her way to the bathroom.

After using the bathroom, she washed her hands then was about to walk back to Ruth's old room to get some more rest but a voice stopped her.

Jessica walked to the bedroom the voice came from and saw Roy Sr. was sitting up in bed. He was reaching for a glass of water that was by his nightstand.

Jessica rushed over so he wouldn't struggle to reach over so far from his bed.

"Let me help you Roy." Jessica said as she picked up the glass of water then held it to Roy's mouth so he could take a drink.

Roy relaxed back into his pillows and took the the straw between his lips and sipped some water.

After drinking half the water, Jessica put the glass back down on the nightstand.

"Roy, do you need anything?" Jessica asked.

Roy Sr. looked at Jessica and his mind was reeling trying to remember who she was.

"Jessica?" Roy asked.

Jessica was shocked that Roy Sr. remembered her name. Normally, Roy Sr. forgot he ever had a daughter in law. Which Jessica wasn't too hurt by that fact. Roy Sr. couldn't help having Alzheimer's, so it wasn't his fault or was he doing it maliciously.

"Yes. It's me." Jessica said with warm smile.
Roy Sr. smiled back and said. "I remember you. You married...you married my son."

Jessica was still shocked; it was as if today, Roy Sr.'s mind was very sharp and his memory seemed to be in-tacked. But for how long, Jessica wasn't sure.

"I know what's going on." Roy said. "I may not remember a lot of the time, but I know what happened to Roy. I heard a conversation with Em and Becky talking about you and Roy. He's...she's a woman now."
"Uh..." Jessica said as she wasn't sure if by confirming to Roy would be a good thing or not.
"It's okay." Roy said. "I accept it. I accept Ruth for who she is." He sighed then continued. "I know I should probably be telling Ruth all this myself but, I don't know how long I got until I can't remember. So please, tell Ruth that...that I'm so sorry for what I put her through as a young child. I was tough, a lot of the time too tough on...on her. Now I realize the time I wasted not understanding what Ruth was going through. I still don't understand, but, Ruth is my child and, I love her with all my heart."

Roy had tears rolling down his cheeks and Jessica had tears rolling down her cheeks. Jessica sat down on Roy's bed and held his hand.

"I'm glad she met you and that she married you." Roy went on. "You were always such a great wife to Ruth. You are a good hearted person and are so amazing for sticking by Ruth's side through her transition. Please, Jessica, take of...take care of my daughter. Promise me you will. I know she's in good hands with you by her side."
"Roy..." Jessica cried. "...of course. I promise I'll take great care of her."
Roy smiled as he closed his eyes. "I'm so tired now. I think I'll take a nap." He said. "Oh, by the way, I'm so happy for you and Ruth. I can't wait to have another grandchild. Can I feel them?"
"Of course." Jessica said as she put Roy's hand on the top of her belly where the baby was kicking. "He's awake, so he's kicking up a storm right now."

Roy kept his eyes closed but his smile grew wide as he felt his grandchild kicking and moving around.

"He's strong." Roy said, his voice fading a little. "I wish I could meet him."
"Roy, of course you're going to meet him." Jessica said with emotion. "He'll be here really soon."

Roy didn't say anything else but he continued to smile.

Finally after a short moment of feeling the baby, Roy put his hand on his bed and said. "Goodnight Jessica. Take care of yourself."

Jessica watched as Roy fell asleep. She was worried about him. He seemed as if he was saying goodbye to her.

Jessica wiped her tears and stood up. She pulled the blanket up a little and tucked Roy in.

As she left the room, Jessica had to go find Ruth. She had to tell her about how her father felt now towards her.

Ruth was coming upstairs to check in on Jessica and her father. She met Jessica halfway up the stairs as Jessica was walking downstairs to find her.

"Jess, you ready go home?" Ruth asked. "Hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"
"Ruth, you're father was calling out for help and when I went into his room, well, he wanted water so I helped him drink some." Jessica said as more tears rolled down her cheeks. "Ruth, let's go to your room so I can tell you everything he said."

Ruth grew concerned because she knew how harsh her father could be.

Jessica led Ruth back to the room and sat on the bed. Ruth sat next to her and waited for Jessica to speak.

Jessica took a deep breath then began to tell Ruth everything that Roy had said. Ruth cried of course. Hearing what her father had said made Ruth sob. She couldn't believe her father actually felt that way and that he was sorry for the hell he put Ruth through growing up. That's all she ever wanted was for her father to  accept her and support her. Jessica held Ruth while she cried. Jessica was able to calm Ruth down then she kissed her lips.

"Jess, do you mind if I stay the night?" Ruth asked. "I really want to spend time with my dad. Would you be able to drive home?"
"Of course I don't mind." Jessica said. "I'll be fine driving. I'll call you when I get home."
"Thank you." Ruth said.

They both leave the room and Ruth walks Jessica and Patty Ann out.

Even though her belly got in the way of the steering wheel, Jessica made it home safely. She called Ruth to let her know she was home and Ruth was relieved that Jessica was home safe and sound.

Ruth spent the night in her father and mother's bedroom on the floor not wanting to be away from them for too long.

Roy woke up a few times and the last time he did before sleeping the rest of the night, Roy spoke to Ruth.

Roy was still in a good state of mind and he was able to tell Ruth everything that he had told Jessica himself. Roy even said how proud he was of Ruth for finding the courage to be who she is no matter the judgment and hate she got.

Ruth felt this extreme weight being lifted off of her shoulders. Her father actually said he was proud of her and that he loved Ruth no matter what.

At the end of their conversation, Ruth felt so happy to have gotten the chance to hear what her father had to say.

That was the last time Roy had his memory intact. After that day, Roy's health declined even further and now it was only a matter of time before he took his last breath.

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