The Call

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A week later, Jessica and Ruth were having a relaxing weekend. Patty Ann was spending the weekend with her big brother and sister in law.

It was a Saturday morning and Ruth cooked breakfast for herself and Jessica.

Jessica got herself ready for the day. Which they weren't planning to do much but lay around the house. So, Jessica put her hair up in a loose bun then she brushed her teeth, washed her face then she pulled her robe over her pajamas. She tied her robe around her then left the bedroom.

She walked down the stairs, a hand resting on her belly while the other held onto the railing. She was careful as she walked down the stairs.

A smile spread across her face as she saw the kitchen table set and had food spread out.

"Good morning." Ruth said as she rushed to Jessica's side. She gave Jessica a quick peck on her lips then guided her to the table.
"Good morning." Jessica said beaming as she took a seat. "Oh my goodness! This looks so good and smells amazing!"
"I thought since we are all alone that we just make it sort of a second honeymoon...sort of." Ruth said with a chuckle. "How are you feeling?"
Jessica giggled then sighed. "Well...I'm ready to have our baby boy in my arms already. I feel uncomfortable but, other than that, I'm feeling pretty good." She gave Ruth a smile. "Thank you for cooking breakfast."
"It was my pleasure." Ruth replied. "You deserve to be pampered."

They ate their breakfast and spoke about different topics. Currently, they were talking about names for the baby.

"How about, Aiden?" Ruth said. "Maybe Eric?"
"Hmmm...I'll consider those names." Jessica replied. "Or, how about Brayden? Or, Nathan?"
"Oh! I love the name Brayden!" Ruth said with a smile.
"Me too." Jessica said as she rubbed her belly. "What do you think little one? Do you like the name Brayden?"
Ruth put her hand on Jessica's belly and laughed. "I think he likes it."
"I think so too!" Jessica laughed. "Ow! Hey, calm down baby boy, that hurt."

They laughed at their son's excited movements. They enjoyed feeling their baby for a moment longer then they continued on with their meal.

After, Ruth cleaned up the kitchen and washed the dishes.

Jessica had wandered to the living room to watch tv and relax on the sofa. Jessica looked over to the corner of the room and smiled as she admired the Christmas tree that they had just put up the day before. Jessica was really looking forward to Christmas this year because her baby boy would be there with the whole family. It would be his first Christmas, so Jessica was excited.

Ruth joined Jessica a bit later and they cuddled close together on the sofa. They spoke about Christmas coming up and what they were going to buy for everyone.

Ruth had gone shopping during the week and had already gotten some shopping done. Ruth had already finished the shopping for Patty Ann's gift and were now hid away so she wouldn't find them. Also, she had gotten some things for the baby and for Wayne.

Ruth then made a list of who they were missing to buy gifts for then continued their lazy day wrapped in each other arms.

Around 3:00 pm, Jessica fell asleep cuddled up next to Ruth. Ruth smiled down at Jessica taking in her beauty. Her smile grew when she felt their baby boy kicking her side from within Jessica's womb.

Ruth closed her eyes in content and thought about how lucky she was to have found her soulmate in Jessica. Her life now was so much more happier and she also felt like the luckiest person in this whole world. She had the love of her life, her children, and her family by her side. That's all she needed in life.

Some time later, Ruth was falling asleep when the phone rang. Jessica stirred and sat up as Ruth gently pulled away from Jessica so she could reach over and answer the phone.

Jessica yawned and stretched as she sat back on the sofa, rubbing her belly. She looked over at Ruth who was on the phone and saw the look on Ruth's face.

Ruth's brow was furrowed and tears were in her eyes.

"Okay, we'll be right over." Ruth said into the phone, her voice shaky.
Jessica sat up and asked. "Ruth, what's wrong?"
"It''s Dad." Ruth replied. "He...he's gone. He was taking his afternoon nap and died in his sleep."
Jessica gasped; tears sprang to her eye. She covered her mouth with one hand as her tears began to fall. "Oh Ruth, honey, I'm so so sorry."

Jessica pulled Ruth into her arms and Ruth sobbed into Jessica's chest. Jessica cried along with her.

They stayed wrapped in each other's embrace for a while, then Ruth pulled away and said. "I told Becky that we would be right over. But, I understand if you want to stay here."
"No. I'm going with you." Jessica said as she caressed Ruth's cheek. "I'm not going to leave your side, especially at a time like this. Let's go get dressed."

Ruth kissed Jessica then they both walked upstairs to their bedroom to get ready.

They quickly changed and fixed their hair a bit then they were on their way to Ruth's parents house.

Ruth drove them to the house and by the time they arrived, all of Ruth's sisters and their spouses were already there.

They then got out the their car and walked hand in hand into the house. They both took off their coats because it was getting cold outside and the temperature was gradually dropping; snow would be beginning to fall soon.

They hung up their coats on the hooks by the door. Ruth's sisters immediately rushed over to Ruth and all crushed her in a group hug. Jessica walked over to her mother in law Em, and sat down on the sofa next her.

Jessica hugs her and says. "I'm so sorry Em."
Em nods and hugs her daughter in law.
They both cry and stay still for a moment.

Ruth and sisters go over to their mother and they all sit close to her. Jessica didn't want to get in the way and wanted to give the family some time alone together.

After giving hugs and her condolences to all of Ruth's sisters, Jessica goes into the kitchen and makes some tea for everyone.

Em and her daughters decided to go upstairs and spend time with their father until they came for his body. Their husbands sat in the living room, all lost in their own thoughts.

Jessica had just put the tea pot to boil on the stove when her abdomen tightened. She gasped and she held her belly with one hand while she held the counter with the other.

"Oh god!" Jessica said as she breathed in and out. "Please baby boy, don't come now. I know I said I wanted you in my arms already...but...this is a bad time."
Jessica breathed through the pain then let out a sigh. She straightened up and spoke to her belly, both hands on her belly. "You still have two weeks before my due date. I know these next couple of days are going to be stressful, but please, please stay put."

The baby kicked and Jessica smiled. "I'll take that as a "Okay, mommy! I'll stay put." She said in a baby voice then laughed as the baby continued to kick.

Jessica's smile faltered then she sighed. Tears filled her eyes once again and she said. "I'm so sorry your grandpa Roy didn't get to meet you. Oh gosh...he knew. He...he knew he wasn't going to meet you." Her tears spilled down her cheeks now.

Jessica walked over to the kitchen table and stroked her belly.

Jessica then sobbed into her hands, her heart broken for Ruth, Em and Ruth's sisters.
She knew the next few days were going to be draining, both emotionally and physically.
But, Jessica was determined to be strong and be by Ruth's side no matter what.

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