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Grabbing the left out bottle of soju, Jennie slowly drank it.

Eventhough she was already far from the bar, pretty much the customer could still hear her audible crazy laugh.

Her mind was already loaded with negativity. No more sunshine thoughts. Heck, was that even possible?

Even her steps were imbalanced, she could fall any moment from now.

"wae? wae? wae? Wae?!" she suddenly screams out like a lunatic, clearly earning the attention from public.

Citizens who passed by her path could only gave her a weird look. "what's wrong with her?" a small whisper from the passerby caught Jennie's hearing.

She only laugh at that. What's wrong with me?, what kind of question is that?

"stupid people!"she mentioned loudly whilst continuing her way although she could already see the stars flying above her head.

The truth is, she can only got more crazier.

"stupid disease, stupid doctor, stupid
life! Fucking telling me lies, im 22 for god sake!'' she kept blabbering as she finally step ahead to cross the road and get to the other side.

Fortunately, she doesn't faint yet despite of her dizzy head.

"just fuck off!"she screamed once more, tears were already forming again.

She stated herself that she already gave up but after all this time, she was still hoping that her little surgery would work on but sadly that would be like expecting a miracle to happened.

Others passerby continued to cross while Jennie on the other hand was suddenly attacked by a painful headache which occurred randomly.

Only this time, it was a bit more painful than the usual one, it might have been the effects from the alcohol she just consumed.

She could only stood there in the center of the big road like a fool, trying so hard to withstand against the pain. Her vision slowly goes unclear as second fly by.

When the traffic light changed to green, everything turn to chaos.

Her life was already in danger but now she's literally making it look as if she is the one who's asking for an early death.

"yah! Are you crazy?!"

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