Part 12

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OMG! I REALLY AM GOING TO APOLOGIZE TO YOU ALL! I'M SO SORRY THAT I HAD NOT UPDATED FOR LIKE... AGES! okay just kidding. But i truely am sorry about this. There... here is my update for awhile. I'll be busy again after this. Enjoy, readers~


Normal P.O.V・

The next morning, Hana woke up when she heard her phone ringing. She picked up her phone and did not expect to got a call from her dearly mother in the morning.

"Hello, mother! How are you? It's been a while i haven't heard your voice... mother, i missed you so much. When will you come here to visit me? I know Hikaru visited me and went back to Tokyo right away. But i missed you so much! What? I can go to Tokyo? But there's nobody wants to accompany me... hmm... okay, talk to you later. Bye, mother!"

Hana hung up the phone and continue to lay down on her bed. It's Saturday and she don't know what she should do. Then she got another phone call. She checked the name and picked it up.

"Um... oh hey, Kazuto-kun. What is up with the call early in the morning?" Hana was pretty shocked that Kazuto called her in the morning. It's pretty unusual for Kazuto to call her.

"Hey, Hana-chan. I know this is unexpected but I'm pretty bored right now. Want to hang out later? It's okay if---" Kazuto's sentence had been cut by Hana's loud voice. Almost like shouting.

"NAH IT'S OKAY! IF YOU WANT TO HANG OUT THEN SET THE TIME. I'LL GET-- ah sorry for shouting... well, tell me when we should meet. And where, too." Hana suddenly talk in a whisper voice.

"Oh okay. Why not at 12? Meet me at the park like we usually do." Kazuto said it with a sweet tone that makes Hana's heart melted. But she realises it and slap herself.

"Eh? Hana-chan? Are you okay? I heard a slapping sound..." Kazuto said as he heard a sound. He was very worried if something happens to the person he likes.

"No! No! Nothing happend... REALLY! It's just that there was a huge mosquito that wanted to bite me. Don't worry." Hana said, don't want to worry Kazuto.

"If that is so... see you later~"

"Yea, you too. Bye."

Hana hung up again and sigh. She suddenly think of something.

"Why did Kazuto wanted to meet me? Hang out? Or is it really a date? No, no! It can't be like that. It's too early to go on a date. Ahhhhhhhhh! This is going yo be awkward..."

-time skipped with rainbow skittles by rainbow unicorns-

It's almost 12 o'clock in the afternoon. Hana dressed pretty well today. Thanks to Yumi, her precious cousin who is pretty much a stylist... lol

Hana wears a baby blue dress that the length of the dress is until her knee. It's a 3/4 long sleeve dress. She wears a pair of socks and a pair of black flat shoes with a tiny ribbon at the middle. Yumi helped her with the hair. Yumi braids her hair into one and make it looks cute.

"You better be cute because i think this is a date!" Yumi said to Hana. Hana blushed when Yumi said DATE.

Hana punched Yumi's elbow lightly and laughed. "You think it will be a date? I don't know. It's up yo what will we do."

"GIRL! I KNOW AND I AM SURE IT IS A DATE! THERE IS NO WAY YOU WILL HANG OUT WITH A BOY JUST THE TWO OF YOU JUST LIKE THAT. IT MUST BE A DATE! I AM SURE ABOUT THIS! You are so lucky... I wish i am you. I'm just going to stay single until you get married." Yumi said as she fake a tear while saying that.

"Yumi nee-chan! Don't say that... i know you'll find the right person. Think positive!" Hana pats Yumi's shoulder lightly.

"Hana, girl...  it's 12 already. Won't you be late to meet your prince charming at the park? I don't know if he suddenly gets made when you appeared in front of pretty late, you know. You've promised him right? To meet at 12?" Yumi sarcastically said to Hana.

Hana opened her eyes widely, shocked as she looks at the clock.

"Okay, Yumi nee-chan! I'm going now. I don't want him to get mad at me. See you later before 7! Love you! Muah😘!" Hana grabs her bag and ran off to the park. Yumi can't help but laugh as she looked at her little cousin's attitude.

"I hope it went well... but... why do i have a bad feeling about this?" Yumi said to herself. But she brushed away her silly thoughts and smile.

"Nah.. it will be fine!"

-time skipped brought to you by space unicorns dancing on the moon-

Hana ran and she arrived at the park. She was worried if Kazuto really is going to get mad at her. As she looks around the park, no sign of Kazuto anywhere.

She stood beside a huge tree and said, "Where is Kazuto-kun? It's 12:10 already... did he left because i'm late? No! It can't be..."

As Hana was worrying and clossed her eyes, thinking about where is Kazuto, then suddenly Hana felt someone hugged her elbow from behind. Hana opened her eyes and saw a pair of hand that seems familiar.

"Kazu---" Hana had been cut off by Kazuto's whispering voice.

"Am I too late? Did you waited for me for so long? I'm sorry I'm late." Kazuto apologies to Hana as he pretty kind of thigthens the hug.

"N-no... you're not late. I just arrived here too." Hana said as she blushed. Eventhough this is not her first time being hugged by a boy-- opsssss oh no

Kazuto loosened the hug and turned Hana around to face him. "Really? Thank god!" Kazuto sigh in relief.

"So... where are we going? What are we going to do?" Hana looked at Kazuto as she asked.

"Wha-- don't you know? This is a date, okay~ now... let's go find a place for a good date!" Kazuto said with full spirit and grabbed Hana's hand softly.

Hana blushed again eventhough this is not her first time holding a boy's hand-- opsssss oh no

They walked and stopped in front of a cake shop. Or was it a cafe? Whatever! They went inside and take a seat. They ordered themselves each other a cake and a drink.

While waiting for their order to arrived, they talked a bit about whatever they want and suddenly a voice interrupted their conversation.

Kazuto and Hana look at the person to see who it was. Kazuto was shocked to see that person and Hana was sort of puzzeled because of Kazuto's shocked face.


Who is that?


HEYYA, EVERYBODY! DID YOU ENJOYED THIS CHAPTER? Sorry because of this goddamn late update... like i said, i am really busy! But believe me i will update it when i'm free~ btw, see ya on the the next chapter! Stay tune for Part 13! Love ya all~~~


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