Chapter 7: New Journey

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While the summer vacations were still ongoing, Lucy decided to travel to Temple City in the east where her Spirit High School was located. After all, she already needed to book a room in the high school's hostel in advance, as well as get familiar with the curriculum for the first year, and of course, present her Bond Item and even the Spirit Guardian for the registration completion.

"Say, big sis Lulu, may Sandy and I come with you too?" Sam eagerly asked, anxious to follow her best friend and adopted sister on her journey. She too wished to get out of this 'stinky children's house', as she loved to call it, for so long, and now she had finally found an opportunity. 

"Sure, a good company can never hurt. You know what? Let you come with me to live in Temple City! That way, we can get away from this stinky children's house," she chuckled, "and live together!"

"Wow! That would be amazing! But... where shall we find money to afford that? You are enrolled in a public high school so your accommodation is free there, but I... I have nowhere to live, and I don't have much money either".

"I think we can solve the problem. Temple City is a place full of Spirit Hosts, it's true, as it is the capital of the East Land, but my cousin from the West Land capital, Golden City, has recently moved there together with her guardian angel, and she is quite wealthy. She can let you live together with her in an RV if I ask her," she caressed Sam on the head, "She is a little weird, it's true, but you will get along. She adores children".

"Wow, that's amazing! I never knew you had a cousin. Does that mean you have aunts and uncles too? How come they didn't take you in?"

"Yes, I have an aunt. They did offer me to live with them, but I didn't want to go... You see, I believe someone deliberately set fire to my house back on that dreadful day, so I want to find out who it was. I would never be able to investigate this matter if I were taken so far away as Golden City is. Temple City is still close to our village, but Golden City is situated in the opposite corner of the world".

"Yeah, that is true... I guess it is fine. If you ever went there, you and I wouldn't have met!" she hugged her, "I'm glad I've got to know you, Lulu..."

"I'm happy to be your friend too, Sam," Lucy smiled back and cuddled with her.

Thus, the children told everything to the keeper of the children's house, Mrs. Thompson, then packed up their stuff and soon were already standing at the train station, ready to depart. Of course, motherly squirrel Sandy was with them, as the minute she heard about their idea, she hastily appeared before them and decided to accompany them. She was too worried to let 'two little children wander alone', as she had said.

The golden train soon arrived. The children ascended and took their seats in a coupé. Lucy and Sandy put the luggage below the seats and they all were ready to travel. The train gave a whistle and soon moved.

"Wee! We're going to Temple City! A new life starts!" Sam happily clapped. 

"Yes. I hope I can train to become a cool Spirit Hostess..." Lucy smiled.

"Of course you will! You're the best, sis!"

"Yes, you will make it, Lulu," Sandy smilingly agreed. "However, be aware of your guardian, dear - he can be very dangerous..."

"Don't worry, Sandy, it will be fine. After all, my cousin is quite gifted at taming dark powers. I'm sure she will teach me how to deal with negative spirits".

"Oh, that's quite interesting news!" Sandy widened eyes, "So Angel Hosts too can tame negative energy? I didn't know that..."

"Well, I guess my cousin is the only exception. She has even told me her angel was actually her husband from past incarnation..."

"Amazing..." both Sam and Sandy were impressed.

Thus, their new journey began.

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