Chapter 27: Bunny Bride and Tailed Fox Groom

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The rabbit palanquin arrived in the Huli Territory. The curtains moved and Princess Lutecia could see the evergreen garden outside, full of pure waters, colourful flowers, and... tailed foxes! Shudders ran down her spine. Thankfully, some rabbit maidservants had accompanied her and some male rabbits had carried her palanquin, so she braced herself and stepped out. She followed her servant bunnies, who led her to the tailed foxes under a cherry blossom tree. There she noticed a tall fox man dressed in a red kimono. He had no less than nine tails. She gulped in fright.

A fox, and with nine tails?! She thought. Oh, High Forces, I'm toast!

Tears gathered in her eyes. This guy looked too fierce and evil to be her future husband! But, why would the Blood Moon Fox look any different?

The guy had long orange hair dropping on his back and shoulders, and shimmering icy eyes. He was holding a red fan and blowing his face with it. The tailed foxes of the Huli were gathered around the cherry blossom tree. Everyone was waiting for the bride to arrive. The bunnies led Princess Lutecia to the tree. She tremblingly stood beside the orange-haired fox man, unable to dare look up at him. A seven-tailed fox woman with long red hair and green eyes stood in front of them under the tree and asked the man with a smile:

"Lord Huli Yuehong, do you accept Lady Lutecia De Lapin as your wife for eternity?"

"I do". 

The fox woman bowed and turned to the little bunny princess who had cast her eyes down and was shivering:

"Lady Lutecia De Lapin, do you accept Lord Huli Yuehong as your husband and master for eternity?"

Everyone watched the rabbit girl. She gulped, and murmured with tears in her eyes:

"I-I do."

She knew that any different answer would cause a disaster.

"Then, under the Tree of Love that blossoms over us," the fox woman raised her hands towards the pink branches of the cherry blossom tree, "I pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss each other now".

The bunny princess looked at the fox man's cold eyes. She felt shivers down her spine.

He... He is so scary! She thought.

Lord Huli smiled, bent down, and gave her lips a soft kiss. The bunny's ears straightened from the sudden kiss. The fox then got off her and she sighed with relief. 

After the ceremony, the tailed foxes took the rabbit princess away into their palace, and all of the rabbit servants left. Lutecia once glanced at them for the last time, let out a heavy sigh of sorrow, and followed her captors into the giant palace.

The mansion was red and orange on the outside and golden on the inside. The main hall was vast and at the end of it, there was a giant golden throne - the belonging of Lord Huli. The fox lord quietly ordered something to some tailed fox maidservants. These latter ones took Lutecia and led her away to the upper floors.

"Follow us, Your Highness! We shall take you to your room."

She was taken to the final floor, through a giant golden door, inside a beautiful golden room with red curtains, a red bed, and orange furniture.

"We will bring you the dinner to your room". 

The servants left and closed the door behind. Just as she finally found herself alone, the poor bunny fell onto the red bed and began crying for her misery. Mother had warned her that she'd be fine as long as she avoided foxes, and here she was, wedded to one - the strongest and the most pitiless fox ever known to the world! Her sobs could vaguely be heard from the red blankets...

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