Chapter 26: Forced Marriage

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Time passed. The war with the Fox Clan continued. Feuer von Kaninchen had a hard time dealing with the foxes alone, because, by the laws of nature, foxes were stronger than bunnies, so he called for a council one day to discuss further strategies.

"We need to assemble more troops," one of the Kaninchen elders advised.

"No matter how many we are, the foxes will always prevail because we're mere rabbits." Feuer frowned. "No matter that we are faster and jump higher, it will, in the end, only serve as a means to flee and not to battle well. We need stronger tactics."

"Perhaps stronger allies who either equal the foxes in strength or are even mightier than them?" Hans - a green-haired, blue-eyed handsome rabbit nobleman - proposed.

"Hmm, that's quite a good idea! But who might ally with us rabbits?" Feuer put his hand to his chin. "The Xiong bears would never accept to help miserly bunnies like us."

"And we would never dare ask the Wolfe Clan for help. Those wolves wait for a chance to devour us rather than help us," another Kaninchen elder muttered.

"Same goes for the Adler eagles and the Mao cats."

"What about the Kujaku?"

"Hmph, who would ever want to ally with those snobby peacocks? All they care about is fancy dresses and wealth!" Feuer grimaced with disgust. "We need real warriors to help us!"

"Then how about the Long?" the same green rabbit, Hans, suggested.

"No, the mighty Long Clan never gets involved in conflicts." Feuer shook his head. "However, we could address even higher..."

"Huh?" All of the rabbits picked up their ears.

"The great balancer of the natural forces, the direct descendant of Natural Energy and the Lord of Transformation, Celestial Fox Lord Huli, might actually help us, as he can't stand when a certain species of spirits are being bullied by others."

"But, they're foxes too! Why would they fight against other foxes to help mere bunnies?"

"Because they're tailed foxes - the mightiest of all spirits, and Lord Huli would never allow one species to bully the others."

Thus, they decided to send a messenger with a letter to the Blood Moon Fox in the Huli Territory. Soon he returned with a red scroll. The king rejoiced - the Blood Moon Fox had replied to his letter! He opened the scroll together with his dearest daughter, Gretchen, and read out loud:

"My Little Feuer von Kaninchen,

"I have received your graceful letter and have considered your request to help you against the Fox Clan that so greatly torments you and your people of the Usagi Kingdom. I am moved by your 'sincere' lamentations, and so I've decided to give you a hand with my tailed fox army of the Huli..."

"Haha, they accepted!" Gretchen clapped.

"Hmm... Let's read further." Feuer smiled and continued: 

"However, I have a strict condition, my dear Feuer - you shall not, by any means, invade any farther than your territory originally was. I will help you only to reclaim the territories that were originally stolen from the Usagi Kingdom. If I hear that you used my grace for evil deeds and invaded the Fox Clan's territories, I warn you I shall not put a mask over my inner rage.

"For you not to dare try deceiving me, I demand you give me one of your daughters as a hostage. The one you love the most, that is (if you are so dishonoured as to choose between your daughters, that I suspect you are (no offence given)). Only if you accept these conditions, I shall consent to give you my army. 

"Please give me a full reply within seven days.


"Lord Huli Yuehong"

Feuer frowned and shut the scroll:

"Ugh, this fox and his conditions... I cannot give him my daughter just like that!"

"So, you want to invade the Fox Clan territories further?" Gretchen asked.

"Of course! Those foxes have been too arrogant as to think they could get away with it! It is time to take revenge and make them suffer this time... What's more, the more territories we get, the richer and stronger we shall become!" 

"But then... You aren't going to give my hand to this scary fox, are you?" Gretchen's nose twitched with fear.

"Of course not, my dearest Gretchen, you are everything I have! But..." Feuer chuckled, "I do not have only one daughter, now, do I?"

Gretchen at first blinked in surprise, but then guessed what her father meant, and laughed:

"Oh, you mean, her?"

"Yes. It'll be Lutecia. I'm going to deceive that foolish fox. As if he knows which daughter I favour more! Lutecia was my wife's daughter. I'll cry hot tears and give her to him in marriage. Then nothing will stop me from achieving my goals!"

He laughed. Gretchen chuckled too:

"You're a genius, father!"

Thus, soon, Lutecia was prepared for the marriage. They put a red kimono on her, beautified her, and put her in a palanquin. 

She obeyed her fate. She knew that the king's will was absolute, as well as that of Lord Huli. There was just one thing that gave her shivers - Lord Huli was a fox! Tiny tears streamed down her cheeks as she was taken to the Huli Territory.

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