Chapter 37: Human Attack

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"Hehe, catch me if you can!"

The children were playing outside the palace yard, near the forest. They thought they could play hide-and-seek and other games better near the woods. They all had turned into their Basic Ultimate forms - the forms of true animals - and played around.

But the Spirit Forest was not a safe place - it held great dangers even for spirits themselves...

While the children had fun in outskirts of the forest, some giant white bunnies were running from the dense woods towards the said outskirts, and a lot of weird creatures hurried after them - they looked like spirits in their basic forms, but without any natural elements... more like angels, but without wings... like demons, but without fangs... They held spears to kill animals as they lacked fangs, were dressed in fur clothes as they lacked the light energy of true angels to warm themselves up, and could not understand the language of nature as they did not completely belong to earthly nature, thus, they hunted everyone and everything around them and did not bother about the balanced lives of the surroundings. 

However, those big white bunnies they were chasing didn't seem primitive like other animals. All the hunters could hear from them were their bunny calls, it's true, but those bunny signals were very meaningful for the bunnies themselves...

"Gretchen, dear, run to the left! Try to outrun these fools!" a big, dark grey bunny with unusual greenish fur yelled at a cloudy white one beside him. 

"I will! You lead the others to those kids, Hans!" she shouted back and then jumped aside. Hans smiled and hastened his pace.

"Catch those big bunnies! Our tribe must get food!" the strange creatures cried to each other and hastened their pace as well, chasing the rabbits.

When Hans and the other bunnies at his disposal ran up to the place where the kids were playing, the little children spirits who had taken their animal forms, noticed the strange hunters, and instantly Zefiro, this colourful, blue-to-green-tailed peacock, gave out a squeal:

"Some monsters are coming! Run!" 

He flapped his wings and flew off, dreaded. He was determined to alert the elders right away. When Luhua, the green dragon, heard his squeal, she, as the youngest of the kids, got terribly scared and roared:

"Oh, my!"

She instantly ascended the skies, as all the Long Clan dragons believed it was the safest place, for they had their Jade Palace situated there. Once the hunters saw this strange creature glide in the skies, they gasped and began yelling and running up and down:

"Oh, my, a monster!"

"Why are heavens so angry upon us?!" they exclaimed and some of them even wanted to flee from the scene, when suddenly their leader, a strong, broad-shouldered man, shouted:

"Hey, look! What a strange creature!"

They all looked where their leader was pointing at, and gasped - there was a big, three-tailed red fox, with unnaturally long ears as if a bunny.

"It's a fox! With three tails?!"

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"It's a fox! With three tails?!"

"But it looks kind of like a rabbit too..."

"I bet it has tasty meat like rabbits..." one of them passed his tongue around his mouth, already starving enough. Others too heard their stomachs grumble.

"Well, we might've missed those big bunnies, but this one won't get away so easily. After all, it is too small..." the leader chuckled, and the hunters began gathering around the little fox.

Mei, for she was exactly that little fox, widened eyes in dread seeing such strange creatures brandish their spears at her, and wished to run off when suddenly she froze - another group of those weird and scary hunters had sneaked up on her from the behind! Her heart began heavily beating.

"Ah, help!" she exclaimed, but her shrieks could only reach the vile hunters' ears as a call of a fox. A spear was shot. "Ah! No!" she cried out - she couldn't get away, as she still hadn't learned the skill of teleportation! She was doomed to get hit and die...

Suddenly, she heard a terrible growl, so she fearfully reopened her eyes, and instantly widened them - there was a giant white fox with nine tails, his red eyes shimmering - her father!

Suddenly, she heard a terrible growl, so she fearfully reopened her eyes, and instantly widened them - there was a giant white fox with nine tails, his red eyes shimmering - her father!

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"Run!" the white fox, Yuehong, growled at her, and then roared and dashed at the hunters. These latter ones yelled with horror at first, but then the leader, seeing how the little fox prey was escaping, shouted:

"Don't let that little thing go! We can handle this monster, you hunt the food! We cannot return to the tribe with empty hands!"

The second group of people, hearing his command, gave a battle cry and chased after the running bunny-fox.

"No, Mei!" Yuehong growled and wanted to spit icicles out of his mouth when he felt a bunch of spears hit him from beside. He roared with pain and looked back at the first group of hunters and their leader, and spat icicles at them instead.

Meanwhile, Mei was running as fast as she could, her heart beating with horror - ugh, such a terrifying day! Who were these strange creatures anyway? She heard their dreadful shouts from the behind. She widened eyes and turned back, seeing them up close!

"Ah!" she yelled with horror again, when suddenly, out of nowhere, her mother appeared - a giant, grey bunny.



The hunters, seeing such a giant tasty bunny, gasped and grinned:

"Now this one's going to give us a feast..."

However, Lutecia didn't sleep meanwhile - she immediately grabbed her daughter and threw her in a teleportation portal she had created and only spirits could see:

"Run, Mei!"

Mei instantly sprang into the portal and vanished. Seeing the bunny-fox creature disappear in thin air, the hunters gasped and shuddered:


As the grey bunny too was going to jump into the portal and run away, she suddenly felt terrible pain in the back, and when she turned her head around, she noticed she was bleeding!

"Ah!" she let out a cry and ran through the portal immediately, leaving the hunters jaw-dropped.

However, her vision went blurred, and in the Huli Palace she appeared blacked-out, her spirit already dissipating in tiny green lights... That was the last day of Huli Queen and Usagi Princess, Lutecia De Lapin, who sacrificed herself to save her little daughter, Mei, from tribal humans...

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