Chapter 30: Yuehong's Decision

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Yuehong, who was in his red fox form in daylight, sprang forward and made a jump up to a hundred metres. When he landed and made a soft stand, Lutecia clapped happily:

"Wee, you made it! Good job, my lord!"

"Thank you. I guess this time I truly made it".

"Yup! Now you're good at all things - running, jumping, teleportation..."

"It's all thanks to you, my fluffy little one..." 

Yuehong embraced her tightly. Lutecia first widened eyes in a slight stupor, but then hugged him back:

"My big fox! If you knew how lovely you are, Lord Huli..."

"Aww stop it, little one! You're making me even redder than I already am..." 

Yuehong shyly covered his face with his red fan. Lutecia giggled at such timidity of his. She had become more and more accustomed to living with tailed foxes. No one meant harm to her as she was the wife of Lord Huli and no one would dare mess with him. She was having a fun time with her husband who proved to be a lovely big guy instead of the ruthless Blood Moon Fox like she anticipated. So one day, when they were spending time on the bed in their room, Lutecia curiously asked him:

"Lord Huli, why is it that everyone calls you 'Blood Moon Fox'? You don't really seem that bloodthirsty to me..."

"When someone is far more powerful than them, people often give them gruesome epithets for they are sincerely afraid. My powers equal the ones of the two greatest archangels - Michael and Samael, and I am the third greatest force of the universe - the Natural Energy, the Transformation. So when I make strict decisions in this world, people always assume I'm unjust, because not everyone can understand what true justice means. If you treat them badly, people always assume you are unjust and do not consider that it was they who committed a crime and now receive punishment because of that. As my good friend and colleague Yanluo often says, people would rather prefer blaming their crimes on a third party than taking responsibility upon themselves... It is their nature".

"Yanluo is your friend?!"

"Well, I'd rather call him a colleague since he's a fellow being controlling the second highest force - the Destruction. We're on normal terms, I guess..."

Lutecia stared at him dumbfoundedly - he even knew Yanluo in person!

My husband is so powerful...

However, neither this happiness would last long for her - after months, she received gruesome news from the tailed foxes: her stepfather Feuer von Kaninchen had broken the treaty with Lord Huli and had invaded the Fox Clan territories. The Huli army returned back in their dwelling and reported everything to Huli Yuehong, so it was just a matter of time when he would appear and, just as promised, devour her in order to punish her stepfather. Upon realising such a terrible thing, she ran out of the palace, fell to her knees in front of the lake, and began sobbing hysterically:

I'm going to die! He will not have mercy upon me now. He said he never defies his judgment... He'll kill me for sure!


She shuddered and looked up, seeing the red nine-tailed fox before her. Now, when she looked into his icy blue eyes, she understood why people called him 'Blood Moon Fox'.

"Lord Huli!"

Her nose began twitching like always when she was frightened. Yuehong took a seat before her and touched her cheek with his long-red-nailed hand.

"I am sorry," he said, "your father broke the treaty".

"W... What?" She went pale. Yeah, he already knows... He's going to eat me for sure!

"It seems you're not as important to him as to care for your well-being..." Yuehong shrugged. He took a red fan out of his sleeve and blew his face. "You know the terms of my and your father's agreement, don't you? He married you to me and I guaranteed your safety, but I never promised you'd stay safe if he broke the treaty with me. However, as it seems, he did not care about this last term..."

"No..." Lutecia burst into tears. Yeah, he's ready to devour me, and I even taught him my skills! I've got no chance of survival now!

She would be eaten for lunch by the pitiless Blood Moon Fox, all because her father didn't give a damn about her... He only loved his true daughter, not her. After all, she was only a stepdaughter to him. He never loved her and had become rude and cruel after her mother passed away from her illness.

"Well, if it were a little earlier I would, of course, get rid of you, but now..." Yuehong shut his red fan and gained a softer gaze. "I grew fond of you, you know?"

W-What does he mean? Lutecia thought. Is this for real? He said he's fond of me?!

"I think I'll need to come up with a different plan on how to punish that bunny king. After all, you have nothing to do with this. You are just a poor little victim in predators' hands, betrayed by your kinsmen."

Hearing such bitter words she knew were true, Lutecia sobbed and covered her face with her hands, but then, she felt how she was pressed upon the fox man's chest. Yuehong hugged her with his fluffy foxtails.

He... He's hugging me, with all of his tails? She thought.

"You are my little wife, so let's forget about those treaties!" Yuehong said. "If your worthless bunny stepfather dared break it, I have even more rights to act as I desire, even if it goes against that treaty's terms". 

He pressed his lips upon hers. Lutecia's bunny ears straightened from such a sudden kiss, but then she closed her eyes, dropped her ears behind, and gave in to the fox man's loving embrace.

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