Chapter 16: The Friends' Spirits Meet

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Instantly as Lucy called for him, the orange-haired five-tailed fox boy in red kimono clothes appeared, hiding his sly grin behind his red fan:

"You called me, little one?"

Evilia Hoot gasped - it was truly Lord Huli! Now she shuddered and stepped back - she knew there was a gruesome monster hiding behind that handsome face and wily grin...However, surprisingly for Lucy and Rose, Xiao-Hong didn't get scared. He instead rejoiced and smilingly waved a hand at Yuehong:

"Hey, Lord Huli!"

"Oh, who do I see? How are you, Xiao-Hong?" Yuehong brightened as if seeing an old friend. "I wouldn't expect a Long Clan member to bond with a human, and especially you since old gramps is so fond of you he never lets you go off by yourself".

The girls couldn't understand the spirit boys' chatter - what were they talking about? Who was 'old gramps'?

"Huh, look who's talking! I'd expect anyone but you to bond with a human, Lord Huli!" Xiao-Hong chuckled, swung his hand, made a red lollipop appear, and then put it in his mouth. "We all know you detest humans..."

"Aww, come on, I'm not all that hateful..." Yuehong grabbed surprised Lucy's hand and pressed her to his chest. Lucy widened eyes and grew all red like his kimono. "Lucy's a good girl. I grew quite interested in her, lately".

"Haha! I still can't believe what I'm seeing is true..."

"Wow, you managed to befriend a tailed fox, Lucy?" Rose widened eyes, "So cool!"

"Hehe..." Lucy blushingly scratched the back of her head.

Lola instead got so jealous that her blood boiled. Evilia could easily notice this, and she got angry about the situation - how come her mistress liked this foolish canine boy and considered her a low-level spirit compared to him? She grew jealous of Yuehong by her part. She and her mistress truly resembled each other a lot, in many ways.

"Anyway, boy, how's the old gramps?" Yuehong referred to the dragon.

"Grandpa's fine," Xiao-Hong shrugged, "He got too old though..."

"Duh, what are you talking about? He was just a little boy back when I first saw him! Eh, time flies..."

"Yeah but... you never age Lord Huli. You can take whatever form you want. Grandpa's not like that. He has only some hundred years left to live".

"Well, he's still got time. Main is he has a great heir like you," Yuehong caressed him on the head. The dragon boy laughed playfully:

"Thank you, Lord Huli".

"So... you two know each other?" Lucy was surprised, just like the other girls.

"Sure. Who doesn't know Lord Huli?" Xiao-Hong grinned, "He's like a god to us, spirits. He's our overlord, and every high-rank clan like our Long Clan invites him to their dwellings from time to time, to show him our respect".

"Yeah, I often visit these guys. I am always an honoured guest".

"Duh, I've never met you before. I've only heard of you in ancient tales," Evilia crossed arms.

"Well, who was talking about the likes of you? You're a low-level spirit, darling. The likes of you shall never attract my attention".

"Huh? To let you know, 'glorious' Lord Huli, I've often fought various strong spirits, and killed them!"

"Oh, like who? Mice and squirrels?"

"Ugh, you! You want to pick a fight, fox boy?!" Evilia squealed, preparing claws on her hands.

"Nay, why would I? After all, since our little human friends are going to be in the same class, we will often have to cooperate, no matter how it annoys you, my darling little owl..." Yuehong chuckled. Then, his gaze turned serious and strict, he made one step forward and instantly appeared before startled Evilia. He shut his fan and raised her chin with it: "But I'd advise you to be aware of picking a fight with me, since, as you know, we foxes have quite a delight when we feast upon owls' flesh... A little squirrel spirit, a friend of my human girl, told quite an interesting story about you, darling Evilia - as if you fought not strong spirits or even weak spirits, but two innocent, defenceless squirrel cubs, and ate their flesh in front of their mother's eyes..." he raised one of his orange furry foxtails, and placed one on the horrified woman's cheek. "You know, sometimes I can barely control my fluffy tails - they share my emotions better than my face does, for I can put on masks, but I cannot mask my tails. So whenever my heart is truly raged, the tails fire up..." Evilia felt scorching pain on her cheek. She squealed out, but in a mere second, the pain ceased, and only then did she notice that the boy's foxtail-end had fired up only for that second. She widened eyes in the utmost terror. "I am sure you don't want me to burn your pretty face... so you'd better remember - I know everything you did, and if ever again you make such a grave mistake, it will be your last action". 

He put his fan away, and let go of her. The girls watched it all stupefied. Evilia put hands to her face and began weeping. Lola got worked up:

"Evilia, what's wrong? Good job, Lucy! Look what your spirit has done! Can you control him at all?"

"I'm not his boss, I'm his friend. It is your spirit's fault for insulting him!"

"Ugh! Just get off us, will you?" Lola gnashed her teeth and touched her owl necklace, sending Evilia back to her spirit dwelling. Then she fell upon her bed and showed her back to her classmates.

"Duh, such a crybaby," Rose chuckled. "You have a cool spirit, Lucy!"

"Haha, thanks! You too, Rose".

"Yes, on that one I agree," Yuehong smiled too, and winked at Xiao-Hong, who shyly laughed in response.

Thus, the friends reunited again, now in a high school, which offered completely new and far more difficult challenges up ahead...

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