Chapter 20: The History of De Lapin Clan

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Lucy accessed the school library and rushed up to the shelf of Bunny Spirit Clan History. She began looking for De Lapin archives.

"It should be here somewhere..." she ran through titles of the books. "There it is!" She grabbed a blue hardback book, put it on the table, took a seat, and opened the first page. "De Lapin Clan History - Introduction to De Lapin Clan; Foundation of the Clan; The first king of De Lapin; No, I don't need these..." she looked at the bottom contents, "It should be here somewhere... The way it looked in my dream, that bunny woman was rather a hostage of Huli Yuehong, so I should look at the downfall of this clan if that bunny belonged to it. Then later I'll look up the Kaninchen Clan's hard times too..." she ran through the contents at the bottom of the page, and her finger stopped at a particular title: "The Tragic End of De Lapin Clan. The History of the Last Princess, Lutecia De Lapin... This is it! That bunny's name in my dream was Lutecia!" she instantly unfolded the correct page. She began eagerly reading: "The last monarch of De Lapin ancestry of the rabbits, Guillaume De Lapin, died in a battle against the Fox Clan..."

The Fox Clan?! She recalled the Fox Clan of tailless foxes her teacher talked about back in the class. Don't tell me... They're involved in it somehow?!

"His widowed wife, Queen Matilda De Lapin, wept and mourned her husband for days, but as the situation was tough and the war with the Fox continued, they needed a new king who would lead the armies in battles, so Matilda soon wedded a nobleman of the Kaninchen Clan, another strong family of rabbits, and it was the beginning of the long reign of the Kaninchen, the first monarch being Matilda De Lapin's new husband, a red fire rabbit, Feuer von Kaninchen. He had his own daughter from his previous wife who had died of an illness. His daughter's name was Margaret, or, as he often used to call her out of fatherly love, Gretchen".

So here she is, Gretchen von Kaninchen of that green-haired weirdo! This is getting interesting...

"However, the grief for her late husband was too great for Queen Matilda, and soon she passed away. Her little daughter, Lutecia De Lapin, was left alone in cruel stepfather's hands..."

So this is how she was left at her stepfather's disposal... She remembered the details of her dream.

"As foxes were stronger than rabbits due to nature's laws, Feuer von Kaninchen decided to fight the foxes with the aid of stronger foxes, and thus, sent an ambassador to the vile clan of tailed foxes, the Huli..."

Yes, this is exactly the information I needed...

"But the bloodthirsty king of the tailed foxes, Huli Yuehong the All-seer, demanded one of Feuer's daughters as a hostage, in exchange for his aid. He agreed with the bunny king that they would use the Huli's help only to repel the enemy, and not invade their territories further. Huli Yuehong was the deity of balance, so he hated the greediness of any clan in wars. Feuer accepted this proposal, and, of course, sent his stepdaughter to the king of the tailed foxes, in order to save his beloved blood daughter, as deep at heart, he had further plans than just repelling the Fox Clan's forces. So the last princess of De Lapin, Lutecia, was sent in the den of vicious predators, to be forever doomed..."

Oh, poor little bunny...

"As expected, Feuer von Kaninchen, after successfully repelling the Fox Clan forces, led offensive wars and invaded their territories, breaking the treaty with the Huli, and, as the vile nine-tailed fox had promised, Feuer's daughter sent to him - Lutecia De Lapin - was killed by his hands, the claws of Blood Moon Fox, the very night when Feuer von Kaninchen's troops stepped in the territories of the Fox Clan. Such was the end of the last princess, Lutecia De Lapin..."

The book fell off Lucy's hands. Her blood froze.

"Killed by the claws of Blood Moon Fox? Can't be..." 

She fell back, losing balance from such a huge shock she received. However, she was caught and clutched by someone tall and robust. Shudders ran through her spine as she got an ominous feeling. She looked back and widened eyes in horror - no...

"What were you reading, my little one?" the red-haired foxy man's fangs blazed under his grin.

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