Chapter One...

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Authors Note-Hey Guys, I'm fairly new to Wattpad, and this is my first story ever! I'm obsessed with Zane~Chan, along with all of the other Aphmau ships. Pls don't hate on me if this turns out really badly. I love writing, and I have soo many great ideas to express! Anyway, without further ado, let's get on to the fanfic.

-Emerald~Chan! <3<3

Kawaii~Chan's P.O.V

"Nya!" I yawn, stretching my back. It's a Monday and goodness knows what time in the morning. I really should be getting out of bed, but I really just can't be bothered. That's until I see the time on my alarm clock. It's 8:15. School starts at 8:45. "Nya!!!! I'm gonna be late!!!" I whine, jumping out of bed and pulling on my uniform haphazardly. I run into the bathroom, gaping at the state of my hair. I brush my teeth, tie my hair into a pony tail and rundown into the kitchen. I see my mother at the sink, washing up last night's dishes. "Morning hone-" "Sorry mum! Kawaii~Chan has to go, see you after school!" And with that, I race out the house and run all the way to school...

Zane's P.O.V

I sigh as I slump down into my seat. As usual, nobody's noticed whether I'm here or not. The teacher is about to mark the role (take register or whatever, I'M FROM AUSTRALIA!) when the pink haired meif'wa that sits in front of me bursts through the doors a soon as the bell rings.

"Cutting it fine miss Shappanneko I see" says the teacher, raising his eyebrows.

"I'm sorry sir, I-I over slept and and and I ran all the way here and and-"

"Lets just say that you won't be late again?

"Yes sir..."She sighs and trudges to her seat in front of me.

I crane my neck around the mess of pink in the school uniform trying to see what's happening at the front.

"As I mentioned last week, we'll be starting a project. You will be in partners." the teacher says. I see everyone around me hissing and whispering to each other trying to sort out groups.

"However, because of the lack of behavior you all showed during the last partner activity, this time I have chosen your groups for you."

I see everyone's faces go from smiles to glares as they take in this news. I take the opportunity to zone out and think of all the ways I can ignore my partner.

"Zane Ro'meave?"

I sigh and get to my feet.

"Yes sir?"

"Your partner will be-" the teacher scans the room until he catches sight of the pink haired meif'wa in front of me.

"Kawaii~Chan Shappanneko"

OMI kill me now.

Kawaii~Chan gets to her feet and flops into the chair next to me.

I sigh. This is going to be a long month.

Kawaii~Chan's P.O.V

I hear the boy I've been partnered with sigh next to me. He has black hair covering his eye, and has pale skin practically painted onto his bones, but perhaps the most peculiar thing is that he is wearing a face mask that covers his mouth. Oh well, I guess some people have strange fashion choices. I turn to the boy and decide to introduce myself to him.

"Hiya, I'm Kawaii~Chan, she's 14 years old, an only child, and she is a freshman student."


"Hello? Are you even going to talk to Kawaii~Chan?"

Suddenly, I feel a rush of rage come over me.

"Well, are you going to talk Kawaii~Chan or not? Cos Kawaii~Chan can go tell the teacher that her partner can't speak and that he needs special attention" I glare at him.

"ARRGHHH! DON'T DO THAT!"he yells, causing the class to stare.

"Fine, my name is Zane, I'm 15 and I don't like you"he grumbles.

"There, see? That wasn't so hard. And secondly, why don't you like Kawaii~Chan? I say, trying to sound cool, but I can tell that a hurt expression is on my face.

"Nooo, don't do that face..."

"Still, you didn't answer Kawaii~Chan's question."I counter.

"I don't not like you Kawaii~Chan, but I'm not particularly fond of you either..."


"Well, firstly, you weren't particularly nice when you were trying to get me to speak, and secondly, your too happy." he says, still evidently annoyed.

"Kawaii~Chan wasn't being unkind, she was just taking the necessary measures! And what do you mean by too happy? Everyone needs happiness!" I huff.

He looks me in the eyes for the first time.

"Some people just don't want to be happy Kawaii~Chan" he says, then doesn't talk to me for the rest of the period.

I guess some people just can't be helped...

-Authors Note-Soooooooooooo, how'd i do? I know it wasn't publishing material, but if you could give me some feed back in the comments section down below, that would be great!

-Emerald Chan <3 <3

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