Chapter 12 Part 3

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Authors Note- I know what you're thinking. Finally! And update! And what the fudgecake took so long? Unfortunately, I can't answer that question. Why? BeCaUsE i DoN't KnOw. Imma cut the crap and get on with the story now. Peace out y'alllllllll...

~Emerald <3 <3 <3, Xoxo

Kawaii~Chan's P.O.V

I've been stuck in this freaking cabinet for 10 minutes straight already. No one's come in since Aphmau left, and I'm beginning to wish I hadn't picked such a good spot. A door slams down the hallway, and my head jerks up, hitting the top of the cabinet.


Black spots swarm my vision, and I fight back the urge to throw up. At least there wasn't any blood this time.

I think.

I rub the back of my skull and bring my hand to my nostrils, sniffing for a metallic scent. Thankfully, I don't smell anything. But what now? Darkness threatens to blot out what little light I have to see, and I swallow. This was probably not a good place to hide. The scratchy tulle of the tutu is irritating against my thighs, and the blocks in my pointe shoes are smooshing my toes. I shift my position, and the cabinet creaks. Another door slams down the hall, and guess what? My head hits the top of the cupboard.


And much harder, too. This time, no nausea comes with those pesky blots of colour. Only tiredness and an extremely sore head. Ok, now I can smell that horrible, metallic, tangy taste of blood. I slowly drift out of consciousness, with Zane~senpai and Aphmau~senpai yelling my name.

Zane's P.O.V

"Where is she?" I mutter under my breath, before yelling her name to the heavens. The household is in a frenzied panic. Everyone's running around the premises, going up and down the stairs where she nearly died this morning, rummaging through the many costumes she could have chosen, and scampering past the pin board our list is pinned to. Pillows and cushions are being shifted in the tent we made together, and the boxes we used are discarded on the floor. Even Lucinda came back after we explained our situation to thin air. There is a sense of urgency in the air, and how important it is. No one knows where she is.


Because she was the last one to hide. Suddenly, something clicks in my mind. When I slammed the spare room's door earlier, I heard a thud come from KC's room. I thud that sounded awfully hollow, with a small squeak afterwards. I pick myself up from the couch and race to KC's room. Aphmau and Aaron follow.

"Zane, where are you going? We've looked everywhere!" exclaims Aphmau, followed by a grunt from Aaron.

"Apparently not!" I yell behind me, slowing as I trek up the stairs in what I hope is the final trip for tonight. Bursting through her bedroom, door, I stalk over to the closet and open the door. Aphmau goes under the bed and Aaron goes out onto the balcony. Katelyn and Travis come through the entryway and take over rifling through the costumes for what seems to be the gazillionth time. I step aside to give them more room. A fuchsia, bedazzled jazz costume is thrown across the room, and lands next to KC's bed side table. It's white, with a draw at the top, and cabinet under...

Oh no.

There is no way she could have...

I march over and pull open the cabinet, nearly yanking the door off. Sure enough, tucked up inside is a very squashed KC. Something isn't right though. I place my hand on her shoulder, as the others come over to see. Aphmau sends Katelyn to round everyone up, who refuses, sending Travis instead.I press down on her shoulder more firmly then before. Her skin is warm, but she's not responding. Slowly, I shake her shoulders.


By this point, everyone else is already up here. And they know that this is wrong. Katelyn hasn't made a snarky comment about keeping my hands to myself, Travis hasn't wolf whistled, and Aphmau isn't on the floor having a seizure because she "ships" us. I look at Aphmau, who looks at Cadenza, who looks at Lucinda, who looks at Katelyn.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Asks the cranky girl with the blue hair. "Get her out of there!"

What do I do? It's not like I go around doing this sort of thing on a daily basis. Brushing KC's long, vibrant hair over her shoulder, looping one long arm around her small waist, and the other under her knees. I slowly remove her from the cabinet, Aphmau making sure she doesn't get caught on any loose splinters. Carefully laying her down on her bed, I fight the urge to hold her hand. Maybe I would do it, if the others weren't here.

"Hey, guys, I'm going down stairs to get some towels and antiseptic." says Aphmau, sensing my discomfort. "We should probably give Kawaii~Chan some space. Zane, you stay here and make sure she doesn't die on us." She then herds everybody else out of the room.

Once everyone's gone, I gently lower myself so I'm sitting on the bed next to KC. I softly let my fingers trace over her lips, before planting a light kiss on her forehead. I know what you're thinking.


But the thing is, I came to terms with the fact that I had a crush on KC a while ago. And I know she probably doesn't feel the same way. But at least she's my friend, and that's ll that matters right now. I bless one more kiss on her fore head, before curling my fingers around her's and waiting for Aphmau to come back with the antiseptic.

Are you lot happy now?

I Hate You I Love You- A Zane~Chan/Zana FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now