Chapter Two...

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-Authors Note- Guys, don't get too used to the speed of updates at the moment, it's the holidays, and I have nothing left to do. And I like this song, so it's here too. Anyways, onto the chapter now. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Song- This Little Girl

-Emerald~Chan <3<3

Zane's P.O.V

As I'm walking home in the blistering heat, I go over the events of today. I can't belive how energetic that meif'wa girl is. How can someone possibly be that bubbly? I swear she's gonna be in coma some day with all that bouncing she does. I walk into my house and lie down on the sofa, close my eyes and start to relax when I hear...

"Hey baby brother!"

"Ugh! I swear you do that everyday"

"What? I care about you!"

"I wish you didn't"

That was the sound of my brother Garroth greeting me. He is a year older than me, but he still treats me like a baby. I can't really think of anything else bad about him, so I can't really hate. I still pretend I do though.

Garroth pulls a face at me.

"Geez baby brother, I honestly sometimes think that you have no happiness left in you. What happened to the 6 year old Zane? I liked him. And he had friends."

I've heard this comment a thousand times.

"Whatever Garroth, now just leave me alone."

He sighs and trudges off. Oh well, now I have peace and quiet. And yet I don't, at least not in my I don't.

Kawaii~Chan is still stuck in my head.

~Le time skip to ze next day~

I walk into homeroom the next day and sit down without being noticed. I sigh with relief. Unfortunately, the bliss doesn't last long. Because the moment look up from my text book, a pink blob is in my face.

"Gaaahh"I yell, not bothering to try and hide my surprise.

"Hiya Zane~Kun! Kawaii~Chan was wondering if you had recovered from your bad mood yesterday!"

She was just a pink blob when she got all up in my face like that, but now she's further apart, she's actually pretty different in looks. Her hair is bubblegum pink and it curls slightly on the ends, and she has the most enormous, ombre orange to yellow eyes. I go slightly pink when I realize I was looking at her features, but recover myself quickly.

"Hello? Zane~Kun?"She snaps her fingers in my face.

"Gaah, what?"

"Ugh, Kawaii~Chan was just wondering if you weren't gonna be a grumpy butt today. Cos if you aren't, we should probably start working on our school project"

"Oh, right"

"Kawaii~Chan knows she's right! So are we gonna work today or not?"Talk about narcissism.

"Ugh, ok? Meet me at lunch in the cafeteria" I say.

"Okay! Kawaii~Chan will see Zane~Kun then!"

I Hate You I Love You- A Zane~Chan/Zana FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now