Chapter 4...

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Kawaii~Chan's P.O.V

It's Wednesday after school, and I'm in the girls change-rooms, lacing up my pointe shoes and trying to pull my hair back into a bun. I've been doing dance with Aphmau~senpai for years, but we're in different levels (I'm advanced, she's intermediate). Once I successfully lace up my shoes, pull on my leg warmers and tug on my cardigan, I head out to the dance studio down the hall.

I love ballet. It's like you become as light and agile as a bird when you dance. I am the only meif'wa in my class, and a lot of the other girls make fun of me when we're doing pointe work. I don't listen though. I know that one day I will become a baking, prima ballerina and I'll be famous, and that all the girls who teased me will be sorry.

I go over to the barre and begin warming up, starting with positions, then moving onto arabesques and développes.

As I do this, I ponder on whether or not it was a wise choice to tell Zane~kun my worries. But for some reason remembering how he hugged me when I told him makes my stomach flutter nervously.

Remembering this causes me to fall out of my développe, and the other girls start to giggle.

Oh well, I sigh.

Just remember, your gonna be a baking prima ballerina when you're done.

~Le Time Skip To Ze Evening~

I'm lying on my sofa totally pooped from practice. My joints hurt from where they were clicked into difficult positions, and my toes hurt from standing én pointe.

I'm just about to close my eyes when suddenly, my phone rings.

I pick it up frowning at my cell and wondering why he's ringing this late.

"Hey Zane~kun, what's up?" I say.

"Uh, hi, Kawaii~Chan, I was just wondering when you wanted to work on our project next? Cause we reeaally need to get a move on" Zane~kun replies.

"Kawaii~Chan is free right now, but you might have to come to her house if you wanna work on it. Kawaii~Chan is still exhausted from ballet."I say.

"You do ballet?"

"Kawaii~Chan has been doing ballet for ages. She is in the advanced class."

"Cool. So, uh, what's your address?"

I wasn't expecting he would come over now.

"Uh, Kawaii~Chan lives at 48 Sweet St"

"Kay then, I'll see you in a few minutes" he says before hanging up.

I drag myself off the couch and clear the dining room table. I really should also change out of my tights, leotard, cardigan and skirt, but I really just can't be bothered.

Oh, well, I think. At least I'm quicker in tights. And I slide off towards the kitchen.

Zane's P.O.V

I look down at my phone where it shows the directions to Kawaii~Chan's house. I walk a few more houses down until I come to a white house with pastel pink roses lining the front yard. There's a light on upstairs and humming coming from the room.

I guess this is it...

I walk up to the pink front door and a shuffle comes from behind it. The door opens and I see Kawaii~Chan still in her ballet uniform.

"Hi again Zane~kun!"she beams.

"Hi Kawaii~Chan, how was ballet?"I say, trying to be tactful, or at least, attempt to be hospitable.

"Good, apart from the usual group of girls laughing at me because I'm a meif'wa."she says.

"What's wrong with being a meif'wa?"I ask.

"What you mean is what's wrong with being hyper flexible" she says.

Then she slides down into the over splits against the wall.

(Credit to Anna Mcnulty- )

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"Woah..." Is all I can say.

"Exactly. Meif'wa are agile, quick and flexible, but the girls at ballet still treat Kawaii~Chan differently." she says, frowning.

"Why do they do that?" I ask.

"Kawaii~Chan knows why, but she prefers not to think about it." She bites her lip and her eyes look clouded for a moment, so I decide to move the conversation away.

"So, what are we going to do for the project?" I ask.

"Kawaii~Chan set up an area in the dining room, come follow her!" Kawaii~Chan says, instantly looking happier.

She grabs my wrist and my first inclination is to pull it away, but her grip is strong, so I let her drag me through the living room and to a table set with pencils, pens and a huge sheet of paper in the middle.

"Would Zane~kun like something to drink?" she asks.

"I'm good thanks" I reply.

"Okay then, let's get started! So, are we going to do the topic Zane~kun suggested?"

"Only if you're okay with it."

I swear she goes slightly pink at this, but it might have just been my imagination.

"Kawaii~Chan is fine with it"

We actually get along pretty quickly, and within half an hour, we've managed to map out our entire project.

We begin to work on our presentation, and by the time I look at my watch, it's already 10 o'clock.

"I'd better get going Kawaii~Chan, it's getting late."

"Okay, Zane~kun, see you tomorow!"

I stand up and she shows me to the door.

"See you tomorrow, Kawaii~Chan."

"Bye bye Zane~kun"

Yet again, she surprises me by wrapping he arms around me in a hug, causing my ears to go pink and heat to spread like wildfire across my cheeks.

She releases me and walks inside, closing the door behind her.

And I walk off into the night, with a jumble of butterflies making themselves known in my stomach.

I Hate You I Love You- A Zane~Chan/Zana FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now