Chapter 8...

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Authors Note- Hey guys, it was a HUGE stretch for me to come up with ideas for this part, so that's why it's so freaking stereotypical. I stole other peoples brain juices (XD). Sooooooooooooooooooo yea, if you can come up with any ideas that would be much appreciated. Shout out to the people listed below:






These are just peeps who have commented on my crappy work, but thank you ALL for reading my book. I never thought I'd get this far and yea, thanks. Also, I don't know why, but I wrote a few things differently, like Kawaii~Chan's POV is now 3rd person for some reason. Meh. Nyaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!

Emerald~Chan <3 <3 <3

Aphmau's P.O.V

Okay, I'm officially evil now (not that I wasn't before >:D). I am sooooo glad Garroth showed me the video of Zane and Kawaii~Chan! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! I've come up with a master plan to make Zane~Chan go cannon. I hope it works. But at least I have Aaron to help me... (blushes). NEVER MIND, I wanna show you mah shipping shrine before I tell you my plot!!

 NEVER MIND, I wanna show you mah shipping shrine before I tell you my plot!!

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Isn't it simply adorable!!!!!!!!! Now for the plan. I'm thinking of having a sleepover for my birthday which is in a couple of weeks. I'm gonna invite all my friends and it's gonna be soooooooooooooo fun! Now, I know what you're thinking. How are you going to get Zane there? Well, that's easier said than done. I figured that if i can get Garroth to come, Zane will most likely come if Garroth tells his parents. And he'll probably also come if Kawaii~Chan goes. Then, we're going to play truth or dare *grins mischievously*, and I'll probably pull some strings there too. Plus, Mum isn't home, so i can't get in trouble for having boys over!!!!! Now shut up and don't tell Kawaii~Chan and Zane. Cos they would kill me. And possibly Katelyn too.

Garroth's P.O.V

Zane's been acting really strange lately. Well, stranger than usual. You know, he actually went a whole day without being rude to me! It's a miracle! *phone buzzes* Hey! It's Aphmau's birthday next week and she's having a sleep over. And she asking me to bring...Zane? Huh, that's weird. Why would she invite Zane unless... unless... OMI, APHMAU IS A GENIUS! I know why zane's been acting so weird now. And why he helped Kawaii~Chan. And why he isn't being rude currently. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! (imagine the squeal high pitched and feminine, but with a Garroth voice XD)

Katelyn's P.O.V

Aphmau's having a sleep over next week, and for once, I'm pretty excited for it. Except for the fact she invited the boys. I will never know why she decided to invite the boys. And, apparently, Zane's been asked. Ugh. I hope I don't have to speak to him. I suppose Aph only invited him to be nice. Or...wait. "APHMAU IF THIS IS BECAUSE OF YOUR STUPID ZANE~CHAN SHIP I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"*runs off to murder Aphmau*. "COME BACK HERE YOU STUBBY LITTLE POTATO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Kawaii~Chan's P.O.V

Kawaii~Chan's been invited to Aphmau~senpai's birthday party! She is sooo excited for all the celebrations. What if Kawaii~Chan gets to make sweets!!!! Also, Aphmau~senpai has invited the boys as well, including Zane~sen...kun. Aphmau~senpai truly is a nice person *smiles sweetly*. But Kawaii~Chan is curious about how Aphmau~senpai got Sylvanna~Chan to agree to it. Aphmau~senpai isn't normally allowed to have boys over. Oh well. That's Aphmau~senpai's buisness. Now, Kawaii~Chan needs to go and make sweets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zane's P.O.V

Garroth says that I've been acting strangely lately. Well, that's his opinion. Kawaii~Chan went home from our place a couple of days ago. I think our whole family misses her presence. Especially me. I'm kinda lonely now. School is finishing this week for the Summer holidays, (where I live, Christmas is in Summer, so yea, if you find it weird, don't get all up in mah face about it) so that means Christmas. I think Aphmau is having a Christmas birthday sleep over soon, so I guess Kawaii~Chan and Garroth will be going to it. That means I'll be stuck with Vylad. Great. I wonder if I should get anything for Kawaii~Chan for Christmas. She's promised with a ginger bread house, so I think I owe her. I'll just get her an apron or something like that. Anyway, I think the author is pretty fed up of writing in this style so she's gonna finish up the chapter. Not that I'm complaining...

Authors Note- Sorry that this chapter was a bit messed up. It's kind of like a lead up to something that may or may not happen so yea, if you want me to keep building up I will, but if you want me to get there already, just tell me and I'll change, cos I'm not that bothered. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!

Emerald~Chan! <3 <3 <3

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