Chapter Three...

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Kawaii~Chan's P.O.V

I trudge off to class, not looking back to where I've left Zane~kun sitting. Let him think that I'm always happy if wants to, but if he does, he's not getting my friendship. I turn and walk down the corridor, tears of rage building in my eyes. I'm almost at my classroom, when suddenly I run smack bang into Aphmau~senpai.

"Oh, sorry, Aphmau~senpai, Kawaii~Chan wasn't looking where she was going" I apologize.

"It's fine, Kawaii~Chan, but you don't look fine. Where's Zane?" she asks.

"Back in the cafeteria on his own, which is exactly where he should be"I spit out like gumball machine.

"Kawaii~Chan, what happened?" Aphmau~senpai says to me, her eyes wide.

She's never seen me this cross.

"Well, we were brain storming ideas for our project, and Zane~kun came up with a really good idea. But Kawaii~Chan didn't like the way Zane~kun phrased it." I say.

"He said 'I can speak from a point of view that's not so happy, and you can speak from a point of view that is very happy'". I say.

"Kawaii~Chan, don't you think that's a bit harsh? He couldn't possibly have known what we know. You can't get cross with him because he made a mistake that he didn't even know he could make." she advises me.

I sigh.

"Kawaii~Chan supposes she was a little too harsh on Zane~kun. Maybe I'll apologize tomorrow. If we don't get to 6th period on time, we're going to be toast" I say.

"You do that Kawaii~Chan" says Aphmau~senpai, smiling at me.

"See you tomorrow Kawaii~Chan!"

"Bye Aphmau~senpai!"

Zane's P.O.V

I'm really confused. All I did was suggest a topic, but Kawaii~Chan just shut up and refused to talk to me for the rest of the day. I tried to catch her attention in 6th period, but she just avoided my gaze.

After school, I start my long walk home. I am just turning around a corner when I catch sight of a meif'wa with bubblegum pink hair that reaches her hips.

It's Kawaii~Chan.

I start to run down the block towards her

"Kawaii~Chan!" I yell.

She turns around surprised, but as she realizes it's me, she quickens her pace and sets out a jog. She might have been a meif'wa, therefore she was incredibly quick and agile, but I was tall, and had extremely long legs. Where as Kawaii~Chan was, well, unusually small. Soon enough I had caught up to her. I slow down until I'm jogging at the same pace as her. 

"Hey, why did you get so cross with me today at lunch? All I did was suggest a topic, then you marched off!" I say, panting slightly.

She jogs a little faster now, not answering my question.

I'm thoroughly pissed by now, so I grab her shoulders and whirl her around so she's facing me..

"I sick of you ignoring me Kawaii~Chan. Please tell me why your upset with me. Cos then I can apologize!" She's squirming now, but I hold my ground and grip her skinny shoulders even tighter.

I Hate You I Love You- A Zane~Chan/Zana FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now