Chapter 9...

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Zane's P.O.V

I walk over to where Kawaii~Chan is sitting at her desk, nose buried in her book. Looking over her shoulder, I notice that it's her... journal?? On closer inspection, I realize it's a hand written recipe book. Her small hand flies across the page whilst clutching a pencil between her spindly fingers.

"Hey" I say, putting my hands over her eyes and smirking. "Z-Zane~kun?" she stutters. I feel her cheeks warm slightly under my hands. "How did you guess?" I ask, removing my cupped hands. Kawaii~Chan swivels around on her seat so she's facing me. She grins up at me, eyes sparkling. "Maybe because Zane~kun is terrible at lying" she giggles. Pouting,I turn away from her.

"Am not"

"Are too!"

"Am not!!"

"You so are, Zane~kun" smirks Kawaii~Chan. I pull up a chair and sit down next to her. "So, how are things going at home?" I ask. Her face suddenly clouds. Oops. "Kawaii~Chan's parents are being civilized now, but they're talking about a divorce." A tear slides down Kawaii~Chan's face. Double oops. I bite down on my lip. C'mon, Zane. Think. Do something! Before I can stop myself, I slide an arm around Kawaii~Chan's shoulder. Great. Now she's gonna think you're some pervy weirdo. But surprisingly, Kawaii~Chan, turns to me and presses her face into my chest.

"Thanks for being there for Kawaii~Chan, Zane~kun" she chokes out, her voice muffled by my uniform. "Not a problem, Kawaii~Chan, that's what friends are for..."

Kawaii~Chan's P.O.V

Straightening up, I dust off my shirt and smooth my hair out. Suddenly, my phone beeps. "Hey, Zane~kun, Aphmau~senpai is having a birthday party sleepover on Christmas eve next week. And she's asked you to come!!" I exclaim, elated at this news. "What?? Let me see that text!!" He says, as I pass him my phone. "There is no way I'm going to that!"

"Why ever not?" I counter, grabbing my phone back. "Because everyone will treat me weirdly!" he says, frowning. "But Zane~kun, Kawaii~Chan really really wants you come!! She'll also tell the others to stop if they're weird. But please come!! For Kawaii~Chan???" I do my best, cutest, hugest please eyes, and finally, Zane~kun gives in. "FINE. But only because you're going."

Did Zane~kun just make a decision because I wanted him to?

Authors Note- Sorry that this chapter is so short, and that I haven't been updating. I have lots tests, assignments and homework due this week, and I was performing all weekend. So again, sorry. You forgive me??

Emerald <3 <3 <3

I Hate You I Love You- A Zane~Chan/Zana FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now