Chapter 6...

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Authors Note- Imma be away from Wed-Sun because of school camp and a sleep over. I hope I get this chapter to you before then. If I don't, you know why! Also, I love dis song, so it's here too!

Song- Immortals x Centuries, Nightcore, Original songs by Fall Out Boy.



Zane's P.O.V

I'm walking to my bedroom, having just said goodnight to Kawaii~Chan, when I realize something.

"Did Kawaii~Chan just call me Zane~senpai?"I mutter under my breath.

I desperately want to go back and wake her up to ask her what she meant, but my mum would probably murder me in my sleep if I did. She's completely won over by Kawaii~Chan. Instead, I go to my room and flick open my laptop screen. I search up the definition of senpai.

- If you know what senpai means you may understand. Senpai means upperclassman or someone you look up to. This phrase is quite common in anime which have a school background. It is generally used when someone wants another student (who is older than them) to notice them or acknowledge their presence.

Sooo, Kawaii~Chan looks up to me? I mean, I've already noticed her, how could I not? All that soft, long pink hair, her porcelain skin and her soft rosebud lips- UGH, ZANE, STOP IT. I can feel my cheeks blazing red hot under my mask. I quickly calm myself down. There's a knock at the door, and Garroth walks in.

"Mum says that we can have the day off!" He exclaims, his blonde hair shining in the morning sun.

Typical Garroth. Always excited about something.

I thank him quickly and shoo him out of my room, before lying back down on the bed. My eyes are just starting to close when there is a tentative knock on the door.

"Come in..." I mumble, rolling over to face the entrant. It's Kawaii~Chan.

My eyes must have completely glazed over or something, because she shoots me a confused look which snaps me right back into reality.

"H-hey Kawaii~Chan" I stutter, trying to cover my embarrassment.

"Hi Zane~sen-I mean kun! Kawaii~Chan was just wondering if Zane~kun wanted to do anything today. He was very nice to Kawaii~Chan this morning, so she feels like she owes him big time. Is there anything that Kawaii~Chan can do to help?" she asks, her face alight with hope and her eyes shining.

"Well, I was just about to go get something to eat" I lie. "You can come with me to the kitchen if you like!"

"Yay! Kawaii~Chan just loves cooking and baking! She's really good at it too!"she squeals, making me smile. I decide to take a risk. I grab her hand and lead her down the stairs into the kitchen, her small, petite hand in mine.

I show her into the kitchen, which is embarrassingly huge. Kawaii~Chan though, looks like she's on cloud nine. She whips around to face me, her eyes sparkling now.

"Does Zane~sen- uh kun, want to help Kawaii~Chan bake some cupcakes?"

"Sure" I say, before realizing that our hands which are still somehow magically liked together. We quickly remove them and glare down at the floor as if it's somehow responsible.

"Sooo, shall we start?"I ask.

Kawaii~Chan actually turns out to be a pretty great baker. A messy one, but everything she makes tastes and looks divine.

~Le Time Skip Brought To You By @BeYouGirls , the only reader to have commented so far!~

An hour later, Kawaii~Chan and I are in the kitchen messing around and decorating cupcakes. She's whirling around the kitchen with a piping bag in her hand, twirling as she ices the cupcake sitting in the palm of her hand.

"Kawaii~Chan!" I chide as she bumps me into the kitchen counter whilst spinning.

She giggles, and tries to whirl away, but I grab her arm to prevent her from knocking over anything else.

Kawaii~Chan is breathing heavily and there is a glob of pink icing on her face, with a bunch of sugar crystals in her hair.

"Hey, slow down!" I say taking a step forward unconsciously.

"Never!" laughs Kawaii~Chan, tugging at her arm.

I reach down and swipe my finger along her cheek, scooping up the icing as I go.

"You know you taste delicious, right?" I say, blushing after realizing what I've just said.

Kawaii~Chan blushes.

"Sorry"I mumble, glaring at the floor again. (Poor Mr. Floor, he's dealing with a lot of blame today XD)

"It's ok Zane~senpai" she says, before slapping a hand over her mouth.

There she goes again. What does that mean?

"Kawaii~Chan, I-I hope you don't mind me asking, but what does senpai mean?"

Her already flushed cheeks go even pinker.

"Uh... um... well... ahhh..." she stutters.

"Yes?" I prompt.

"Senpai m-means, u-um, that you're a really close friend! Yea, that's it! Just like Aphmau~senpai!" she stumbles over her words, but I decide that I won't comment anymore if I make her act like that.

"Hey Kawaii~Chan" I say, trying to change the topic.

"Yes Zane~senpai?"

There goes the word senpai again.

"Can I call you KC?" I continue.

"I'd like that Zane~senpai" she replies, a smile tickling the corner of her mouth.

Little did they know, Garroth was hiding under the counter recording the entire thing to send to Aphmau.

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