Chapter 11

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Kawaii~Chan's P.O.V

Dear Diary,

Guess what? Mum and Dad have finally done it. They're divorced, and I'm sorta glad about it. Is that a bad thing? I mean, the house is peaceful now. But mum's drinking. Dad's smoking. I'm living with Mum, but I'm scared. He slapped me last night, and I didn't eat dinner. I'm not hungry lately. I guess my eating patterns are a bit messed up. Thanks for listening...

Kawaii~Chan, 20 December, 2018.

I look up and spot a shooting star. I mean, I guess I could make a wish, but that seems so childish. Oh well, no harm trying.

"Starlight, star bright, first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight" I whisper. Tears roll down my cheeks and splash onto my arms as I wish for a better life, one without conflict, one without trauma. I know it sounds so bratty and ungrateful, because I know there are others who have it far worse than I do. But it's heart-breaking to watch your father leave without saying goodbye, and to be constantly be looking after your own mother while she's nothing but a vegetable. I roll over and try to go sleep, my mind mixed with emotions...

~Le Time Skip To Ze Next Day~

I walk into home-room trying my hardest to smile, even though my eyes are blotchy from crying myself to sleep. No one seems to notice though. I slouch over to my desk, sit down, and lay my head on top. It feels like forever until someone talks to me, and then when some one finally does, they just want to borrow my sharpener.

"Hey KC, sorry I was late!" says a voice. I lift my head off of my desk and swivel around to greet Zane~kun.

"Hiya Zane~kun," I say, yawning. "Is Zane~kun looking forward to the end of school for Christmas?"

"Yeah I guess, but when we go on holidays I won't get to see you... at school! Yeah, that's right!" He spits out, blushing and stammering. "Oh Zane~kun, don't be silly!! Kawaii~Chan and Zane~kun can keep in touch. We have each others phone numbers. And I might have a Christmas party on Christmas eve!" I laugh. He chuckles. "I'll see if I can make it-" He breaks off as I loop my arms around his middle and hug him. "Thanks being such a good friend this term Zane~kun! Kawaii~Chan really appreciates it!"

"You're welcome Kawaii~Chan, and thank you too."

"For what?" I ask, looking up at him.

"For showing me what I actually am."

Authors Note- Okay, I get that this chapter was probably very boring or you all, but the next chapter, I think I'm gonna make something happen. If you have any suggestions, please leave them in the comments! Also I have a question... Would you like me to do a back reveal? I know that sounds weird, but my hair is... like... well, it's not a normal length. But it's not Rapunzel level either. Well, see you later my sweets!!

Emerald <3 <3 <3

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