Chapter 9

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I'm getting ready to go to school. I have to wear something cute, as always. But today I don't know what to wear. I went to my closet. I saw my navy blue spaghetti strap crop top, I thought it was cute so I put it on. I got my blue jean overalls, they short shorts at the end and put it over my crop top. I got my gray vans to match my outfit. This is the cutest outfit I put together in less than 10 minutes. I'm quite proud of myself, just for my outfit. I'm so proud.

I got to school early because I always take a long shower and take forever to pick out an outfit. So I decided to take a trip to Starbucks. I love Starbucks, but I usually go during lunch because I'm always late to school. I got to the parking lot and went inside.

"What can I get you?" a person asked taking my order.

"I would like White Chocolate Mocha. Please." I tell him.

"Okay. Can I get a name?"

"Yeah uh...Ashley." I tell him. I love to make up names when I come here.

"Okay. I take that's not your real name?" He asks curiously.

"Yeah. I love having a different name every time I come. It's fun." I say with a big smile and I go sit to wait for my drink.

After 5 minutes of waiting I hear someone say "Ashley." As in 'Ashely come and get your coffee it's ready.'

I get up and get it. But I notice a paper with my cup. It's the guys number. I smile and throw it at his face and say "1. I'm to young for you 2. I'm taken 3. I'm not a slut that gets every guys number and does them." With that I storm off with my coffee. I hate it when people assume I'm taken or whatever. I just don't take guys' number out of the blue. If I did I would be a world class slut and whore.

I got cooled off as I reached my car. Out of nowhere I start to cry and I don't stop. I kind of calmed down and drove to school. Jacob was waiting by my parking spot, with a big smile that I got to school. Than his face turned into a worried look as he came into my car, sitting in the passenger side.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"This guy at Starbucks, he gave me his number and a smirk like I was going to flirt with him and give him some show or something." I said as I cried.

"Oh, baby. I love you. Your perfect. I'm glad you turned him down. I'll get him back. I'll beat his ass. Just tell me his name." My perfect boyfriend said to me.

"I've got a better idea. We need to go to Starbucks during lunch" I tell him with an evil look on my face.

"Okay babe. Anything to get that dick back." He ended it with a kiss.

I smiled and started to fix my makeup.

--- Payback time aka lunch time ---

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Jacob asks me as we get into my car.

"Yes. Paybacks a bitch." I tell him.

"Okay. Whatever you say. I'm 100% with you." he tells me. Which makes me smile.

My plan is to go inside Starbucks order another drink (I'm at Starbucks might as well.) I make sure that I get the same guy. So as I wait in line I'm in an intense make out session with Jacob and when it's my turn to order I'm all lovey dovey with Jacob and he can see that Jacob is my one and only.

I told Jacob and he's more than happy to do this...especially that he gets to show off that he's with me.

"May I help you?" the same guy asks without looking up. I don't say anything because I'm kissing Jacob. He looks up (the guy not Jacob) than he's like "Can I-" he stops when he notices' it's me...kissing Jacob. "Can I help you?" he says annoyed.

"Yes. I'd like a White Chocolate Mocha without your number this time." I say with a devilish look on my face.

"I wouldn't give it to you because there would be no time while you suck this guy face off." he tells me. Which gets Jacob mad because he tense up.

"Excuse me. Don't talk to my girlfriend like that. I bet you got this job to find chicks because none of them were coming to you." Jacob tells him.

The guy swigs at Jacob but he saw it coming and grabbed his fist and threw it back and he yelled in pain.

I. Don't. Know. What. Just. Happened.

I just wanted to make the guy jealous. Now him and Japan are fighting.

The other guy gets up and punches Jacob in the face. Jacob acted like it was nothing and punched the guy in the stomach. The guy fell to the floor, he couldn't breathe.

"Jacob lets go. You got him back. It's okay." I tell him pulling his arm trying to get him to leave. He moves close to the guy and pulls him up using his collar of his shirt. "You will leave my girlfriend alone and if you don't you will be dead." Jacob to told guy. He dropped him to the floor and walked out. He grabbed my hand on his way out.

I. Didn't. Mean. For. That. To. Happen. Not. One. Bit.

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