Game Day (Chapter 7)

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"Huddle up girls!" I tell my team mates.

"Hands in!" Leslie says.

"1...2...3...Go Valley Lions!!!" We all shout as loud as we can.

"Ladies we got this. Make coach, the crowd, and Nike proud of us!" I tell them.

With that we run on the field. Loud cheering happens when people see us. We are the 'it' team.

We kick off. Our team line up is 2 forwards, 3 midfielders, 1 center back, 4 defenders, and our goalie.

I tap the ball to Leslie and she passes it to Cassie (middle midfielder) and Cassie carries it. She passes it to me half way to the goal and I do some moves and shoot. Next thing you know I hear cheering. I made a goal! In the first few minutes! The 1st half goes fast I made a total of 3 goals, Leslie made 4, and Cassie made 1. The other team didn't have a chance to make a goal, we got this.

The whistle blew for the 2nd half to start. We had the same line up.

The forwards got past our midfielders. They were getting close to shoot but Hannah (a defender on my team) pressured her and the forward started running but she forgot the ball. What forward forgets to take the ball with them? Haha. She's a joke now. No forward can ever forget the ball...ever. With that I took the ball and shot it and I made another goal. Of course. I'm that awesome.

We played. We passed. We shot. We scored. We played at our 100%. We did team work.

Leslie made the last goal. We won. The score was 9-0. We said 'Good game' to the other team and thanked the refs and then we went to high five the crowd like always. I am the last one because captains hold the team together so I go last. We did all that and than we dumped our gatoraid on our coach. We always do that after we win. It's our tradition.


Authors note:

Sorry this is short. I'm updating fast so I can get the book going. But once I get a few more chapters in I will update on a schedule.

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