Letter to my Lion King (2)

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My Mate,
I love you! I miss you so much right now. My brain is replaying memories of you and of us. I long to just crawl in your arms and shower you with kisses. I miss those nights where we stay up talking until the early hours of the morning. I love hearing your voice when you're super sleepy. I can hardly wait until we have our apartment and our own bedroom. I dream of falling asleep in your arms every night. I dream of waking up and watching you sleeping beside me. I'm sorry about the phone thing and not being able to message you or talk to you as much. I really thought I could make my point and something might change. I'm wrong, my aunt isn't going to change. I won't be able to hang out with you at her house for awhile either. My aunt seems to be targeting her and I don't know why, but I won't put her or her girlfriend in danger. Just a year. One year and she loses her power over me. One year and I can stand up to her, without screwing myself or us over. A little more than a year and I'll get to share your bed. We can make it, I know we can my Mate.

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