Chapter 10

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Here's the next chapter, better late than never?


Thank you X


Alpha Blood

Chapter 10

Kayde’s POV

Once I’d finished pointlessly welding two pieces of metal together I handed the glow torch to Tory, I wiped my forehead feeling kind of flushed from the heat and watched as he began to melt the metal professionally. I had a feeling Tory was one of those annoying people who just happened to be good at everything.

I couldn’t help but watch him as he worked; the look of concentration on his face was actually quite funny.

"Do you like it here?" Tory asked breaking the silence between us.

"Yeah." I replied and I did, I was free and I could do whatever I wanted.

"Better than your old pack, your old life?" he asked looking up at me with his big green eyes; there was some kind of emotion in them I couldn’t understand.

I gulped, did I like here better than the place id grown up?

"I’ve only been here few days, I don’t know yet." I said sadly, I missed my parents more than anything else. He looked away sharply as soon as the words left my lips and I was left feeling guilty for no reason.

"Alright kids, times up, please pack up all the equipment and ensure that my classroom isn’t left a mess." The teacher instructed as if the place didn’t already look as if a bomb had gone off.

I stood up slowly and stretched, this lesson was defiantly going to be my favourite, it was just so relaxing.

I checked my watch and realised I was running late, if I wanted to catch that lift I needed to hurry. Once id helped clean up in silence, I practically jogged out of the room, throwing a goodbye over my shoulder at Tory. I really didn’t want a repeat of last night, plus I’d managed to gain a lot of homework over the course of the day and there was no way I’d be able to do it all if I didn’t get back soon.

The more time I spent in school the smaller it seemed to get and I was now finding my way around pretty easily, finding the exit yesterday would have taken me a good 20 minutes but today with my incredibly fast pace it only took me about 5.

I was quite proud of that.

"I'm here." I panted leaning against the car and smiling. I'd spotted the two easily in the car park, the car was pretty hard to miss, it was as bright red in colour and looked like it cost more than an entire house.

"Really? I'd have never known." Beth replied sarcastically giggling, I noticed Rane frowning at us out of the corner of my eye and turned to look at him, still smiling. As soon as he caught my eye he blanked his expression and indicated to the back end of the car with a tilt of the head- for me to get in.

I grasped the handle and jumped inside, swinging the door closed behind me. It banged loudly causing me jump, id barely even pulled on it, yet it had closed like I’d used all my strength to slam it shut.

Both Beth and Rane turned to stare at me from their seats in the front and Beth smiled looking slightly confused, "Careful with Ranes baby, he cares more about this car than he does about me." she warned jokingly pecking his lips, he reacted instantly catching her in a long kiss.

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