Chapter 4

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Alpha Blood

Chapter 4

I crossed my arms uncomfortable, it felt like they could see right through me and I hated it.

Every time I walked by someone they would sniff the air with a confused expression before sending me disapproving looks or glares, I was close to the double glass doors, the main entrance when I felt a small hand wrap gently around my upper arm.

I turned to the girl expecting to see hate scribbled on her face but instead I saw worry.

“You shouldn’t be here.” She said looking around to see everyone watching our conversation with wide, curious eyes. “I’m just warning you, your scent its…, look I’m not trying to be rude but you need to leave.” The small girl stood about 5 ft. 4 and her smile was kind but worried.

She had pale skin for a werewolf but i knew she was one and she had long dark brown hair, i took in her smell, she was definately high up in the pack and probably risking alot by talking to me.

I smiled by way of thanks.

“I can’t, I don’t have a choice.” I was telling the truth, the nearest school to this one was 60 miles away and I couldn’t afford to buy a car yet, so for now I would just have to suck it up until I could at least find somewhere else to live.

“Just be careful,” The young girl sighed seeing the truth in my eyes and with one last look of concern she hurried away back to her friends.

I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts; I wouldn’t be scared away that easily.

I made my way through the maze of corridors unable to ask for directions to the school office; by the hostile looks I was receiving I didn’t think anyone was going to want to help me so I was on my own.

i sighed after reaching another dead end.

i turned and walked back the way i came and after about 5 more minutes of aimless walking i spotted my destination.

As I walked through the door I spotted the sectary seated behind her desk, her purple glasses and bright red lipstick were hard to miss and from the amount of perfume she was wearing I knew she was human; because of our sensitive noses werewolf’s tend not to wear perfume as well as the fact we each had our own individual smell anyway, our scent.

The lady was on the phone and I took a seat patiently waiting for her to finish.

“yes alright, no I have to go now Edward, I’m at work, fine, yes goodbye,” she put the phone back on its hook before raising her eyes to meet mine with a smile, “sorry about that dear, couldn’t get rid of him, husbands eh!” she spoke cheerfully and for a second I couldn’t understand why she was being so nice, but then I remembered she was human, so she would have no idea about who I was.

Remembering my new fake name I smiled back and handed over my paper work silently.

"Kayde Phillips?" she questioned.

i nodded.

"i spoke to the principle yesterday..." i said quietly.

“Yes, everything seems to be in order, I’m assuming you’ll want your schedule?” she asked lifting her head from inspecting the documents, before grabbing one from the draw and handing it over.

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