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(Okay so the italics are when the person who is not the POV is talking, if that makes sense lol)


I couldn't believe what I heard. Camila had been raped and hurt by someone. I felt so mad. How could someone do that to my beautiful Cami... wait did I just call her mine? Anyways, all I wanted was to run in and give her a hug. She deserves to feel protected in arms that won't hurt her. She needs to feel loved... but how would it affect us if she finds out about how I know what had happened. What if she isolated herself from me? Although I just met her I feel something so special with her, something I have never felt before in my life ! Another thought comes to my mind, she said " I don't think he'd like me if he knew the truth about me" that means she likes me or wants me to like her ! I actually do like her...a lot. In this moment I was determined to ask Cami out and make her feel everything she didn't feel with that son of a bitch ex of hers. I was going to show her what it feels like when someone truly loves you... and I knew exactly what my first step was!

Cami's POV

I started crying into Lili's arms. It hurt so much to talk about this. She was the first person I ever told about the rape & the abuse. Lili was such a good listener and she didn't judge me... I stayed crying in her arms for a while when all of sudden I heard my phone going off. I tried getting myself together so you couldn't tell I was crying. When I picked my phone up I saw it was KJ
"Hey kage, whats up"
"Hey cams I just have a question"
"What is it" I began to feel nervous
"What are you doing tonight?"
"Um probably nothing, Lili is just about to go home so I'm probably just going to watch some Netflix, why what's up ?"
"Well I was going to ask if you wanted to go out but why don't you come over and we could watch Netflix and eat snacks"
"That sounds soo amazing right now, be up in 10"
"Alright, see you soon, bye"
Omg I'm going to KJ's apartment, but I mean it's Cole's apartment too so he'll probably be there. But I still get to spend time with him. I told Lili I had to go to make myself look a little more presentable because my face was red and puffy. I got ready and then headed up to KJ's apartment. When I got there I stood in front of the door for about a minute before knocking, I wanted to make sure I was relaxed before seeing him. But he opened the door as soon as I got there.
"Hey cams, come on in"
"Hey kage"
"Alright so I didn't know what snacks you wanted so we could go buy snacks right now and then stop by for the pizza but I haven't ordered it because I wanted you to get whatever you wanted"
"That's sweet, lets get going and I'll order the pizza in the car"
At first I thought the car ride was going to be awkward because although it felt me and KJ had known each other for a long time we didn't but I was wrong. The whole car ride was full of us talking and we sang to Disney Channel movie songs ! It was the most hilarious thing ever. We got to 7-11 and got snacks and then went to Domino's to pick up the pizza. When we got back we laid down on the couch and put on The Notebook. 30 minutes in I turned to look at KJ and he was crying. I did not take KJ for being the kind of guy to cry in a movie. He turned to look at me and made a fake mad face and got up.
"Aw why is little KJ crying"
"I am not! I got chili from the chips in my eyes"
"Haha yeah you can't fool me. You can admit you're crying KJ"
"I'm not" KJ said as he started chasing me around the apartment. He caught up to me and picked me and threw me over his shoulder.
"Omg put me down Kage"
"Not until you say I wasn't crying"
"But you were sooo"
"Then I guess you aren't getting put down"
"Fine you weren't crying but only because I don't wanna hurt your shoulder"
Kj put me down & I walked to the kitchen to get another bag of popcorn. When I came back I found all the furniture moved to the edges of the walls and KJ was standing in the middle with music playing. I was confused but then realized KJ had moved everything so we could dance.
"We are having a dance battle right now" KJ said
"Why?" I laughed
"I don't know I felt like dancing and you're the only one here"
"Well then let the dance battle BEGINNN"
The first song started and it was a Spanish song. KJ could dance but I wasn't going to admit that.


Damn Camila dances amazing. They way she moves is incredible! After a while I gave up and let Cami win
"Fine you win this dance battle but I'm gonna win next time !"
"Good luck with that Keneti"
"Don't call me that!" I say as I get closer to her
"Whoops just did" she responds getting closer too
The next thing I know my face is inches away from hers and I feel this excitement going through me. As we get even more closer a song starts. We both realize what was about to happen and back away. But we're both still drawn to each other so I ask her to dance. I put a slow song and we get close and start dancing. Man I wish I could explain what I feel while dancing with her but there's no words for it. Amazing? Wonderful? Magical? Perfect? I don't know but I know I really like her. I was so caught up looking into her eyes that none of us realized the song was over. Once we did we didn't care, all we cared was how we were in this moment. Our breaths were heavy and both of us could feel the electricity in the air. We leaned in and were so close to kissing...
That's when we hear the door open and there stands Cole. Damnit Cole ! Why'd he have to enter in this precise moment. Me and Cami pull apart and she says she should head back to her apartment. She got her things & she was gone.

*im sooo sorry I haven't update in a while, I've been dealing with some stress and anxiety attacks & writing was honestly the last thing on my mind but here you go ! I hope you enjoy & don't forget to vote and comment xx*
ps. Any ideas please comment below or pm me !

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