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Love's P.O.V

Dinner's been kinda quiet. Were all just eating and not talking. Lauryn just kinda seems ancy to get to the club. I don't blame her though. I'm just in the mood to get drunk. I unlocked my IPhone to check my messages. I looked at the screen saver and smiled. It was a collage I made of the photos we took in the car. The only one that caught my eye was the one of Niall kissing my cheek. It caught me off guard but it was adorable. gosh why does he do this to me. I felt someone squeeze my knee lightly sending shivers up my spine. Niall.

"What are you smiling at over there" He asked eyeing my phone

"Nothing, just checking the time" I said not completely lying.

He gave me a questioning look but shrugged it off.

"You guys ready" Liam asked all of us but only giving eye contact to lauryn.

He's so checking her out.. Harry and Louis were just flirting the whole time. Plus louis' hand was on harrys thigh. I looked at louis and then to his hand and he just removed it blushing furiously.

"Yea let me call Eleanor" He said

Harry had a hurt look in his eyes. What's going on with them. Hm. Whatever. I looked down at my phone and realized Niall's hand was still on my knee. I blushed, and got up. He just gave me a confused look.

"Let's gooooooo" I said kinda whining

"We wanna get drinks" Lauryn said

"Ok c'mon" Harry said, we all got up and went to the car.

Lauryn was still by the window me in the middle then niall. Louis was driving. Harry in the passenger seat. Then Zayn and Perrie, and Liam who is still looking at Lauryn in the middle.

I sighed, well tonight should be interesting..


Lauryn's P.O.V

We all walked up to the bar. Liam said he didn't want to drink. But i talked him into it by threatning him with a spoon. We all ordered 5 shots. I slugged them down and we ordered more. We were all pretty tipsy from drinking earlier and the drinks are now starting to settle in. They all got up and went to the dance floor but I sat for a little longer before a guy who looked maybe 5, 7 years older then me came up to me. He's kind of cute.

"Hey momma, wanna come home with me tonight" well that ruined it.

"No thanks I'm not a whore and definitely not the one night stand type. Sorry" I said taking a sip of my drink not even bothering to make eye contact.

" Your outfit says otherwise " He stood up walked towards me. He grabbed my waist and started kissing my jawline. I tried to push him off. But he continued going down to my neck.

"Get off seriously" I said getting mad

He reached my collar bone.

" Come home with me " he said moving his hand up my dress

"GET OFF ME" I screamed him only tightening his grip

"YOUR HURTING ME, OW" He kept tightening his grip.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF HER YOU DOUCHE" I heard someone yell

I turned around seeing a fist connect with his jaw. I looked up seeing Liam

"You ok" He asked looking worried.

"Yes thank you" I said wiping tears off of my face.

"LET'S DANCE" I screamed

We walked to the middle of the dance floor. I grabbed Love. We were just jumping up and down, Until Niall grabbed Love from behind, putting his hands on her waist and they started dancing. I grabbed Liam and started dancing with him.

"Hey" I said smiling

"Hi there" he said pulling me closer with a smirk on his face

It was nice even if we were both drunk, it just seemed right. I sighed hoping I remembered this. The music got louder and strobe lights came on. I looked over to Love who was grinding with Niall and realized I was doing the same with Liam. I really like Liam. I don't know if this is going to work but if it does I really hope I remember it in the morning. I pulled his head down closer to me with our body's still pushed together and moving nsync with each other. I leaned in but when I did he pulled away.

"What's wrong?" I asked kinda hurt

He stepped closer and put both his hands on my neck. I felt butterfly's and my knees buckling. He leaned closer, only centimeters away from my lips.

"Not yet" he whispered letting go and walking away

What. Just. Happened.

I decided to just go back home after having a couple more drinks.

I got home went to my room. I changed into a white tank top with my plaid pajama pants. My head was pounding.

I went to the kitchen grabbed some water and Advil. After downing that. I walked up the stairs. It was too hot for pajama pants so I was going to change. I stopped at Liams room. I walked in and looked at some of his photos on the dresser. I smiled. He's so cute I thought to myself. I saw an oversized shirt so I just decided to put it on and decided to sleep in his bed. It was comfier and smelled like him. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to the sound of chuckling. I kept my eyes closed remembering I was in Liam's bed. I heard the drawer open and close. Whoever it was walked to the other side of the room. I peeked my eye open to check the time. 3:21. I'd only been asleep for two hours.

I felt the bed lower and realized someone was getting in the bed. They lifted the duvet up to get under.

"My shirt too" He whispered laughing


He crawled in next to me. Pulling me closer to him. I felt his bare chest on my back. Shirtless really. He sighed wrapping his arms around my waist. Slightly kissed my neck

"Goodnight" he whispered

"Soon" he said right before I passed out.

~ longest chapter so far. 1041 words 😊 they're gonna keep getting longer don't worry.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2016 ⏰

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