Chapter 13

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"Oh Marinette your glowing" Alya said hugging Marinette "Thank you but honestly this dress doesn't look tight right?" Marinette said looking at her zipper, Alya giggled "No Marinette it's perfect" Alya said "hey Marinette" Nino said carrying both Baby's "hey nino you look handful" Marinette smiled and giggled "I know but somebody won't help" nino said looking at Alya "we've been over this i feed and clean you hold" Alya said crossing her arms "okay you have a point" nino said giving Alya sorry kiss "you two are so cute" Marinette said "Oh here comes luka" Alya said smiling "great maybe he'll me carry one of the baby's" nino said chuckling Alya gave him a death stare "hey guys" luka said "hey man how are you" nino said trying to act cool *nino thought luka was always cool since middle school* "nothing much just going to be a dad" luka said giving Marinette a kiss "Oh guys so what are you having this is bigger when ladybug and Catnoir disappeared sorry no offense but baby's get me excited" Alya said whispering *Marinette took out the picture and gave it to Alya, Alya began to cry* "were having a girl" Marinette said smiling Alya jumped excitedly "And her name will be Aria" luka said touching Marinette's smotach "I have two boys I always wanted a girl" Alya said wiping her tears "will our baby's can have play dates" Marinette said smiling and Alya began to giggle thinking about it "wow what have we become" Alya said "Proud Mothers and Wife's" Marinette said, it caught Lukas and nino's attention, they both smiled knowing they were doing great not wrong. "Are you ready to give Gabriel the deal" Alya said pushing her glasses up "I don't know but he's been my inspiration for long as I can remember" Marinette sighed "just maybe hold on you know what Gabriel did to his last partner and it was not pretty" nino said "Sorry Marinette there right and he'll put alot of stress on you and we're having a baby" luka said putting a hand over her shoulder "your all right I won't take it but I don't know how to tell him" Marinette said Turing around and looking at Gabriel "I'll go with you" luka said *luka held Marinette's hand and they walked to Gabriel* "Oh Marinette and I'm assuming your date" Gabriel said "yes but actually my fiance" Marinette corrected him "Sorry but right know I'm not work material and I can't give you my work" Marinette said holding Lukas hands tightly "I understand whatever you wish" Gabriel said turning his back and talking to some else *as they walked away Marinette felt free* "that was rude just turning his back" luka said "will that doesn't matter I'm with people who actually care and I think it's best if we go home" Marinette said "as you wish" luka said picking up Marinette and laughing *Adrien saw this and found Marinette and Luka as his enemy's in his eyes, like his father* "girl where you going" Alya shouted "home" Marinette showed back and laughed while luka picked her up running after they got home luka started a bath and they both got in "how does the water feel" luka said kissing Marinette on her neck "amazing and you should stop before we do something stupid" Marinette said kissing him back "Sorry but your so beautiful and I'm going to write a song about you yeah a song" luka said *luka got out of the bath leaving Marinette in there alone "hey you just gonna leave me" Marinette said smiling "your my inspiration and looking at you is going to make a sweet song" luka said getting his bathrobe Marinette giggled and she stayed in the bath to relax while luka wrote in his songbook

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