Chapter 14

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*Marinette throws on pink bathrobe with bun while Luka is making a melody with his gutair and looking up at Marinette smiling for a kiss* "Oh is that so a begging kiss" Marinette said getting close "hey that's our thing" luka said getting closer *they locked lips and Marinette smiled and blushed* "I've got a song and I wrote it in 10 minutes" luka said grabbing his electric guitar and Marinette sat smiling "really" Marinette said in shock "it's called let Me try" *the beat started luka began to sing*

"You and I, we both know well
I couldn't do this by myself
And every day it's all the same
You picked me up when down I fell

But I'm still standing through and through
I know exactly what to do
I'll give it everything I got
Although I'm not stronger than you

But I'll be your shield I can be your lion
I'll dry your eyes if I see you cryin'
Believe in me
And I won't let you down

But now we've come so far
I know just who we are
And we shine brighter than any gem
Between us and the sun
Now it's just you and me
Like it was meant to be
And I'll protect you I'll defend you
If you let me try
We'll stay together now and forever
Just let me try

You and I yeah we both know
We couldn't do this on our own
You say you're fighting for my mother
But won't see how much I've grown
But I can't believe everything that I'm told
I'll fight until the end while I'm young and when I'm old

But I'll be your shield I can be your lion
I'll dry your eyes if I see you cryin'
Believe in me
And I won't let you down

But now we've come so far
I know just who we are
And we shine brighter than any gem
Between us and the sun
Now it's just you and me
Like it was meant to be
And I'll protect you I'll defend you
If you let me try
We'll stay together now and forever
Just let me try

Stay with me
Fight with me
Victory's abound
Now we've got this
You can't stop us
And I won't let you down
I know you never asked to be made

But now we've come so far
I know just who we are
And we shine brighter than any gem
Between us and the sun

But now we've come so far
I know just who we are
And we shine brighter than any gem
Between us and the sun
Now it's just you and me
Like it was meant to be
And I'll protect you I'll defend you
If you let me try
We'll stay together now and forever
Just let me try"

*luka finshed with a kiss and Marinette blushed and she cried* "Luka i loved it, it's beautiful it's really meant for me" Marinette said wiping her tears "yes your my gem and I love you" luka said "I love you to the moon" Marinette said "But seriously this is going to be our wedding song only because it's beautiful and it's rock also it's about me" Marinette teased luka laughed and kissed her "I hoped Aria liked it" luka teased and touched Marinette stomach and Marinette giggled "of course dummy she lov......" Marinette stopped and they felt a kick "Did you feel that" luka said "yes" Marinette said touching her stomach once more and Luka touched her hands as well "I guess the kick was a yes, she love your song" Marinette said giggling "our song" luka said Marinette and Luka kissed once more "are you ready for Chloe's wedding next week" Marinette said "with you of course" luka said "Good because the color theme is gold and I definitely know why" Marinette said *Marinette knew why it was gold not because it was a rich color it was because she was queen Bee and that's her color yellow but as her ladybug days she wanted a gold bee uniform and she'd remember she would roll her eyes only she knows the true color theme story, Marinette giggled remembering those days* "wish it was Blue it would work with our hair and eyes" luka said teasing, Marinette laughed "I wish" Marinette said taking off her bathrobe and putting Lukas shirt and her ladybug like pj pants "time to get working on my dress" she mumbled

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