The Compartment

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The Compartment

May 1 1850
Elizabeth woke up from dreaming of wedding to her with Jack. But when she woke up and notice that Jack was not by her bedside. Once she realized that and she cried for it will be awhile before he returns. After her realizations and cries stop, Elizabeth gets out bed. Before she gets ready for school Elizabeth gets a piece of paper from her journal and a pen. She sits down on their desk and begins to write the following letter to Jack
May 1st 1850
Dear Jack
It has only been five days and I miss so much. Last night, I have dreamt of our wedding day. I see you in your Mounties uniform in our church surrounded by family and friends. The urge to kissing you as my husband is unbearable. But the shire smile of you keeps me at ease. As we exchanged rings the feeling of the cold of wedding band sealed our love our true commitment gives me so much hope in my heart for our future life together with a family to follow. I see it all Jack that is why you have to come back to me as you promise. I am looking forward to a drawling of just you and your perfect God's image smile as I await for your reply my fiance my dear jack.
I love you
Faithfully waiting to be yours
She gets an envelope from the desk inserts the letter inside. She kisses the envelope closes her prays that her letter he get to Jack safety and he will reply soon and bringing him safely back to her. Elizabeth looks at the clock and sees she running behind. Elizabeth puts the letter in a small compartment gets dressed and prepared a small lunch quickly as she could. Elizabeth looks at time to see she is running late. So in a hurry, grabbing her books and lunch she rushes out the door forgetting Jack's letter in the compartment.
May 1 2017
Jack was working his latest commission for the town's 100th anniversary sketching the first church of Hope Valley. He was finishing the landscape part of the drawling when he heard a knock on the door. He walked to the door to see a man he age smile and say,
"Jack Lissing"
" Yes, that is me. "
"I am Cody Spencer, Abigail 's grandson. I have your desk down stairs mind helping me getting it in your apartment."
" Oh yes of course, happy to help. " Jack reply
Jack helps Cody get in the desk in the apartment. They place it by a window overlooking the town of bright hope. Jack thanks cody, cody hands a key to the desk. Jack decides to tip him which he kindly refused telling him he just doing his job. But Jack sneaks the tip in his coat pocket anyway as he left the apartment.
Jack exmaine very inch of the desk. Once he noticed the middle of the desk had a locked compartment. He got the key; unlocked the desk looked inside and sas something. Jack placed his hand inside felt paper and grasp it. Jack took out a letter that was old wringled and dusty. He wiped off the dust to only see the following inscribed on the front of the letter.
To Mountie Jack
From Elizabeth Thatcher.
With All My Love.
As Jack holding the letter pondering to open it or not. But the name Elizabeth and his first name peaked his curiosity enough to unsealed the letter and read Its contents.
"Our love our true commitment gives me so much hope in my heart for future life together with the family. I see all Jack is why you have to come back to me as you promise. I am looking forward to a drawling from you of your perfect God's image smile I await your reply my fiance my dear jack.
I love you
Faithfully waiting to be yours
Elizabeth. "
Reading those words. Those loving words he prayed that Jack kept his promises but he did Jack he felt compelled to draw himself hoping that one promise would be fulfilled. He got out his sketch book. Jack sat himself in front of the mirror and smiled and started to draw.
May 1 1850
Elizaebth return from school feeling foolish and sad that she forgot to mail out her first letter to Jack. She went to their desk unlocks the compartment. She screams horffifed to realize that her letter to Jack was gone. Elizabeth bawls to her knees to the ground wondering where the letter went to. She rummages through every inch of her house. She left no stone unturned leaving the house a mess.
She could not understand why someone would give her so much misfortune. Elizabeth was so lost without Jack she ran into her room slammed and locked the door. Elizabeth weeping on her bed grasping onto a photo of Jack and her at the mountain side when after first date their first dance a whole day of firsts that she could go back to if she had the wish to. Elizabeth simply want to see that smile of Jack 's that gave her all the peace and joy in this world.
May 1st 2017
It was almost 4pm Jack was finishing up a last minute touch ups on his sketch and letter to Elizabeth. After the touch ups were finished he put letter and sketch In a large envelope places it carfefully In the compartment and locks it. As he locks it he shutters as a hand touches a shoulder behind him he is startled as he turns to see his fiance Rosemary smiling telling him
"Hi sweetheart, already putting your desk to good use i see."
" Yes, my darling" he reply As he kisses quickly on the cheek and spins her into his arms giving her a hug
As Jack holds Rosemary looking at the desk some part of him wish he was hugging someone else. Jack he wanted to hug Elizabeth just to comfort her and tell her a smile was coming to her.

May 2nd 1850
It was Sunday. Abigail was concern for her friend Elizabeth as she noticed that Elizabeth wasn't at church. Abigail walked to Elizabeth 's house she knocked on the door and called out for Elizabeth when she got no answer she turned the knob to see that her door was unlocked. Abigail went inside to see the house was dark and a mess. She opened up the blinds to release the sunshine into the house. She kept calling for Elizabeth still no answer growing ever more concerned and fearful for her friend. Abigail rushed up stairs to find Elizabeth in her bed awake starring at ceiling
Abigail sits by her bed side asks
"Elizabeth, are you alright? what happened? did you get robbed?'"
" Yes, I was robbed, "
"Oh my goodness, Elizabeth then we must talked to Bill; make a report."
" Bill, can't help, you can't help, no one can help. " Elizabeth stated
"Elizabeth you are not making any sense." Abigail now very worried for Elizabeth
" Nothing makes sense Jack is gone, my letter my promise to him gone. God robbed me . "
Abigail looked around even her room was a mess, "Oh Elizabeth God doesn't rob he loves, this is why your house is mess looking for the letter for Jack oh my friend." Storking her hair, " Where did you put it last. "
"In the desk, in a small locked compartment the key is by night stand." Elizabeth tells
Abigail takes the key by her night stand rushed down stairs to the desk unlocks the small compartment opens it smiles to see something large inside a letter with inscription on the front of the envelope
To Jack
From Elizabeth
With all my hope this finds you well
Abigail squeals and pleas for Elizabeth to come down stairs
"Elizabeth come down stairs, I found it the letter from Jack it was in the desk along."
Elizabeth immediately got out of bed rushes down stairs to see this letter from Jack that she has not read. She went to Abigail sees the envelope with inscription she let out a joyful cry hugs Abigail thanking her. Abigail gives her the letter tells her,
" Happy to see the old Elizabeth back. Now let's see if I can make us some tea sit down read the letter and together we clean up your house again. "
The tea was brewing as Elizabeth and Abigail sat together. Elizabeth open the large envelope saw a two contents the drawling of jack with beautiful God given smile of his. Elizabeth could not help but smile and cry for joy grasping onto Abigail's hand to keep her from falling down off her chair. Elizabeth shows Jack's drawling of himself to Abigail so detailed and percise Abigail informs Elizabeth
" You have one talented fiance, Elizabeth. "
Elizabeth thanks her as she lets go of Abigail's to unfold the letter and start to read it out loud.
My Dear Lady Elizabeth
As promise my smile that will ease your fears and doubts coming home to you. I know you are scared and worried for me but it is you that has me worried for your lost without me. I see it is hard but be strong and not to worried for me to take care of you. And I promise you will keep your letters safe in the desk compartment. For I am sure God will keep our letters safe and my letters and drawlings will be waiting for you. Till then my Lady Elizabeth I pray for the both of us to be safe, reunited and be married as you dreamed.
With My Hope And Faith
Elizabeth pressed the letter and drawling up against her chest closing praying for Jack and their future union.

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