The Letter Writing Affair

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The Letter Writing Affair

May 12 2017
It has been two weeks since Jack Lissing has miraculously received 4 written letters by Elizabeth. Sadly, Jack has only written back twice he knew in his heart that was he was doing was wrong to both Elizabeth and his fiance but how can he explained to both of them what was really happening. While Jack and Rosemary were having dinner, Jack was he thinking in his head the possible words to explain his letter writing affair with Elizabeth.
"Rosemary forgive me I am so sorry but I have been writing to a woman that is 200 years old been writing to her in the past will stop immediately"
First he thought he it sounded stupid and crazy and also that could not work for he could not promise Rosemary not to stop writing to a woman that is waiting for her love to return home to her
Rosemary could see that her fiance was plague in thought playing with his meal not once looking at her with a vacant expression on his face. Despite fearing what he might admit she asked
"Darling, Do you want to marry me?"
Jack was jump back in to reality as he heard loud and clear what she was asking.
"What Rosemary? Of course we are getting married 2 months. "
"Happy to hear but are you alright you seem distracted not eating much as I can from your plate., What is wrong Jack?"
" Just a lot on my mind Rosemary but nothing you should be worry about. " He takes her hand kisses it to assure her, "I can't wait till we are married." Jack just could not do it, tell her about Elizabeth but he need to talk to someone and he knew just the person.
Lee counter taking a swig of his beer at the bright hope saloon as he tried to sober the story just convey to him about Elizabeth so he ask
"So Jack, what you are telling me is that your having an affair with a woman that lives 200 years in the past."
" Yes that is exactly what I am telling you, Lee? Now I need you to be my friend and tell me what should I do. "
"That is easy, my friend."
" Nothing about this is easy. Lee"
"Of course it is Jack, forget about cold feet delusion you have and marry rosemary she is a fine catch."
Jack taking a swig of his beer also wondering, "Should I tell her about Elizabeth?"
" No, are you crazy, Jack. Elizabeth does not even exist at least not his time frame. "
" I wonder if she did really exist ...Lee do you believe in recreation, past lives that kind of atuff. "
Lee sighs pats Jakc on the back telling him,
"Sorry that stuff really only happens books tv and movies it is just fanasty. What you and Elizabeth are doing is just fanasty not real. No good will come this just end it and forget about Elizabeth and try to remind yourself why you loved Rosemary in the first place. Good night my friend ."Ch
Jack sighed finishing his beer, he decided to walk home while walking home he looked at the stars and when shooting star close his eyes wished wonder if Elizabeth in this time really did exist. When he got home and saw Rosemary sleeping on the couch he kissed on the cheek as he covered her with a blanket. As let Rosemary sleep he gazes at the desk fumbling in pocket got the key unlocks the compartment and finding another letter waiting for him. He opens the letter and read it silently to himself imagining her voice.

May 12 1850
My Dear Jack,
I walked home tonight after dinner with Abigail as looked up in the night sky. My mind wonders to the time we witness the comet together after we first kiss after you told me you are the only one for me. The same goes for me Jack no matter happens I will remain faithful and true for you are the only one. I know your work sometimes might cost you a great deal my heart is certain to take the risk. But sadly sometimes I feeling a bit selfish in wishing that you were with me and not fighting the good fight but there you are and here I am knowing God will strengthen the hearts for the both us knowing whenever wherever our love will bring us back to each other arms
I love you, Jack
Ps hoping your next drawling is of the night sky hope that you wishing under the stars along with me.
Yours only
Jack puts the letter along with other in another lock compartment of this desk for safe keeping and so Rosemary can not find and read them. While Rosemary slept in the couch not wanting to wake her. He get outs his sketch book. Jack goes on the patio he sketches and paints Elizabeth a new picture for her of the night sky as he shows the same night sky and stars along himself gazing over a falling star. After an hour working on the sketch and painting he was too not add letter to it he decides inscribe the painting the ink pen writing
"Our amongst the stars where are wishes and memories lie - with all my heart, Jack

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