Can Be Found Again.

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Can be Found Again.

August 22 2017
After two months of writing and recovery Jack finished writing his first book "Till Time Calls the Heart."
Jack was suitied to meet Elizabeth Spencer. Rosemary 's friend new editor and publisher of private firm called "Hope Dove Publishing" Jack took one final look at himself happy excited and nervous to know he will be seeing new form of his Elizabeth even though Jack Thornton memories were still emmbedd in him from his coma he knew that Elizabeth would not remember him or see the life they had. But he is willing to accept and make a new life with er take it slow make it last forever better than the first time around.
When Jack stood in front the entrance of Hope Dove Publishing Jack closed his eyes and remembering something.
May 13 1865
Elizabeth was typing on the typewriter he given her on their first wedding anniversary. She was typing non stop that Elizabeth didn't seem to notice Jack coming from behind to kiss her neck.
Elizabeth giggles
"What is so funny my dear?" Jack asked
Elizabeth explained " You are thinking that writing out love story would be something out Laura ingilals wilder novel i am nothing like her you know. "
"My Dear Elizabeth, You are much better if not equal to Laura Ingalis Wilder but with your writing talents along with my illustrations this book of our will sale out in the town Hope Valley to mountains cross Cape Fulterton."
Elizabeth kisses Jack confesses, "One of my dreams is just being with you for the rest of my life and having our love story published and for many people to know how love is truly special in this world."
Then little Jack jr. Came inside laughing with much older cody and drop him off from playing little league as he He want to show his parents what he learn in practice. Jack takes his son tells him,
" How about you and me practice some bat swinging as mommy finishes writing how much she loves you and I " Jack and his son both give Elizabeth a kiss as they chase each other out the door.
Then Jack is snapped back to present as a woman echo his name
Jack opened his eyes to see Elizabeth standing in front of him. He couldn't believe after all this time he wasn't crazy their love was so strong it can be reborn again. He so much wanted to kiss her a mere sight of her but she stood there in front of him awaiting a response he realized she did not know their past life together. So he sighed took his hand and said,
"Sorry, yes I am Mr. Lissing, but you can call me Jack."
Elizabeth hand his hand shakes it and reply, " Nice to finally meet you Jack, with that you call Elizabeth or Lizzie whichever you wish despite everything Rosemary speaks highly of you. "
After shaking hands Jack went inside hands her "Till Time Calls the Heart" book she takes it sits looks through it, and confesses
"Rosemary, has been giving a few pages every so often to look over and edit, but this the final full draft?"
" Yes, I know and yes this is the final draft. " Jack sits down across from her desk.
Elizabeth sits down before reading the book she sets it aside for she wanted to know few things first before editing and publishing.
"Jack from what I read of your book, I have no doubt that every woman will flock for this book, I just have some reservations in how you want to this book to be pecived."
Jack concerned. "What is the problem?
" Some people might have a problem having this book characteristized this as memoir or non fiction book. "
"What do you think? Elizabeth should this book not be listed as memoir ot tale of non fiction for it is truth my truth of my past life while I was in coma." Jack wonders what advice would be for his book even though he was not going to change his mind making as a memoir for that it what it is at least to him. "
"Jack, I am not calling you a liar or a crazy person for that matter. I want it to be made known that some people might take offense to what you are telling them is true when some might think of it as fantasy, that is all. If you want to sell it as a memoir and that is what I will do so."
"Thanks Elizabeth, and may I ask what got you into editing and publishing. Why did you didn't you stay with teaching?"
"Yes oh I love teaching still do, but After reading one of first self publish book, I felt compelled to follow that dream of doing the same as the author." Elizabeth admits
Jack curiousity was peaked, "What was the book that lead you to such a change?"
" The book was called "Can be Found Again" written by Elizabeth Thatcher "
"Excuse did you say Elizabeth Thatcher, one The first teachers of bright hope." Jack stunned bewildered , "May I barrow this book"
"I am sorry but it is a family airloom, it was given to my mother you might know her, Abigail Spencer she owns the atiqiue shop in town she might have one or two copies. Hee grand grandchildren knew Elizabeth and few of the books were passed down to her. "
" Really amazing she did it she publish our love story . " Jack muttered
"Excuse me what was that, Jack? " Elizabeth wondering what he was muttering about.
Jack reply, "Really, I find it amazing how life works out in the end how every decision can change your life like when reading a book."
Elizabeth smiles, "Every insightful, Jack, now about your final draft I will get right into editing and I will contact you as soon in am finished " she gives Jack her contact card
"If you know the progress of your book here is my card." Jack then suggests ,
"Elizabeth, I really want to be part of making this book a success. I would like to learn and help you in regards to editing and publishing my book. So I was wondering if we can meet for coffee tomorrow edit together and work together. I would very much appreciate it."
Elizabeth smiles, and tells him, "It is good that some people like to do the extra mile in their work. Okay sure, We can meet for coffee at 10am tomorrow and will edit the first Chapter together and go from there."
"Sounds great thank you, Elizabeth, " takes her hand kisses it and tells her Good bye.
Jack walking home makes to Abigail 's antique shop his rushed inside hoping to get a copy of Elizabeth 's book. Before going inside he looked the dress in the store window as he starred at it he notice that was Elizabeth 's wedding dress. As memories of his and Elizabeth 'wedding flooded in mind Abigail noticed as she was about lock up she asked
"How is that desk treating you?"
Jack snapped back to reality to Abigail in front of him as he reply, " The Desk is doing well for I actually I wanted to ask you about a book by Elizabeth Thornton
"Can be Found Again" Abigail reply
" Yes do you have a copy to buy tonight. "
Abigail asked "Can it wait till tomorrow?'
Jack sighed he need her understand what going on especially if he fully intended being with this new Elizabeth he had to tell her.
" No I am sorry it can't and I need to you something can you indulge me in coffee and conversation my treat. "
"Alright come inside but please make tea for me for I can't stand coffee and while you make the tea i will find you the book you. " Abigail unlock her store invited Jack inside as he made Abigail tea she was went to small locked box which contain of the two copies of "Can be Found Again"
As was the tea was finished and the book was found Abigail sat down as sat book in the middle of her and Jack. Abigail asks
"So can you please tell me why you want this book so bad?"
"I met your daughter today , Elizabeth she editing and publishing a book for me. "
" What does that have to do with this book? " Abigail again asked,
"Because the book I am writing about is about me and my wife in my past life I had and l lived while I was coma. And this book was about our love after I died of old age in 1900."
Abigail chuckled "That is impossible and crazy."
Jack need prove to Abigail what he was saying was the truth, " I bet you can tell you the first words of the book I bet she quote the bible love is patient love is kind love never fails. "
She opens the book looks and is stunned to see the exact words love is patient love is kind love never fails. Abigail asks
"How could you possibly know that."
Jack admits "Because that inscripted in our wedding rings. Listen Abigail this was my wife this book was her dream she told me she wanted to be published and this is the last part of her I have and I just wanted to read it relived it all once more before I let it all go."
Abigail sighed and pushed the book towards Jack and told him, " I hope it gives you a sense of peace and that you find love again in this life. "
"Thank you Abigail how is your tea?"
Drinking a sip she reply "Quite good Thank you"
They drank there tea in peace happy they found common ground in a book that was about love. After tea Jack made it home for ready for bed as he hop into bed he turn on his bedside light he opened his wife's book and began to read the first page out loud to himself
"Love is patient love is kind love never fails. Those were are promises and vowe to each other my husband Jack Thornton a man created in God splendor image to match with my heart and soul. But as sit here on the desk and type on the typewriter my dear Jack gave me missing him coming from behind kissing my neck. But I sit here alone writing about me and him and the love we share and the secret thought I never knew."
He stop reading for a second and wondered what secret she was referring to. So he kept reading. Elizabeth 's words.
"Jack never knew that I knew that he was a different man when he recovered from being taken he drew more he live life more something changed. He did not know but i found letter in my desk He will that he was Jack from the future a different time i thought he was an imposter but as read his letter and previous letters found in the desk. I realized his words the drawlings were Jack and I am writing this full hope and joy knowing that there is a Jack in the future waiting for waiting with the hope of forgiveness. And I do forgive you Jack from the future and if you exist there and then i surely exist there with you. But my Jack here in my time in 1902 is gone. And before I leave this world and go on to this next life that a love story is told and know in this world to all wish to read it."
Jack put down the book got out of bed went to kitchen got a glass of whiskey started at it he could not believe it she knew about him she knew about everything. Jack couldn't believe it so he took a swig of the whiskey and poor more in his glass as he went back upstairs to rest and read the rest of the book later. At least tomorrow he was looking forward to his day with Elizabeth Spencer.

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