Dishonesty from the truth

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 Dishonesty from the truth
May 13 1850
Elizabeth was walking home from school hoping for a letter would be waiting for her at the desk from her Jack. Yes she pondered how the letters from Jack were coming to her through the desk but it didn't matter for their promises were being met. While going through town she heard the calls of her name coming from the store clerk,
"Elizabeth, letter and telegram for you it looks to be from Jack's posting. "
"That is impossible.."
" I know Jack Thornton's hand writing when I see it Miss. Thatcher, this is definitely from him. "
He gives her the letter and the telegram to Elizabeth. She notices that it is definitely Jack 's handwriting on the envelope. She rushes to Abigail 's cafe to hope Abigail some clarity.
Abigail and Henry Gowen were having their first lunch date together they have talking and laughing about their day when Abigail saw distraught Elizabeth enter the cafe. She told Henry,
"Excuse me Henry, Elizabeth is hereband she does not look well...".
He notices and agreed, "Yes looks like she can use friend as good you Abigail, maybe i can take up on the walk you that you sugguested perhaps have Cody come with us and go fishing. "
Abigail smiled tugs on his shoulder and replied, "That sounds nice Henry, Thank you, "
Henry takes her and from his shoolder and kisses it as she blushed while walking her face turns into concern for her friend Elizabeth as she walked towards her and asked,
"Elizabeth, what is wrong, it is Jack what has happened.?"
Elizabeth gave Abigail evenlope of recent letter and asked, "Is this Jack 's handwriting"
She looks at the envelope and tells her, "Yes,"
Elizabeth sighes opens her gradebook gets out an old from Jack from the desk hands the letter to Abigail and ask,
"Is this Jack's handwriting as well."
Abigail looks at the second letter and noticed that the first letter looked like the letter was written quickly rather than the second does more neatly but rather that it was still Jack's
"Yes only slight that one was written quickly than the other."
Elizabeth takes a sit taking deep breaths wondering what was going on,
"Abgail that first letter I gave you came from Jack today I got it from the store clerk "
Abigail added "The second one.."
"Came from Jack through the desk. Two days ago."
Abigail was now getting confused.
"Elizabeth, I do not understand."
Elizabeth stands up tells Abigail, " I don't understand either, but I know something is not right. I thank you. Abigail for the help and support, but for now I would like to be alone and work this out . I am happy things are going well for you Gowen and seeing you happy again makes me happy for the both of you. "
Elizabeth left Abigail 's cafe Gowen return to Abigail 's side and asked,
"Will she be alright."
" If I know Elizabeth she is a strong woman she just misses Jack so much. It must be truly hard to see that how one could be truly lost with out another by their side. "
"I know and my heart goes out to Elizabeth and to You Abigail for I am always here by your side like you been always on mine."
'I see the good in you, Henry and that what makes me happy that you are always by my side. " she holds his hand and ask,
"Up for that walk now. Gowen."
" Of course let grab Cody see he wants to go fishing as well. "
"Even better." They left with smiles on their face but still Abigail worry for Elizabeth and was praying that everything would be more clear and hopeful for her.
Elizabeth runs home she drops her things by the door sits on the desk and reads the current letter she received from the store clerk.
First she opens the letter
Dear Elizabeth
I am sorry i have not kept my promise and that is why I have not heard from you. But please know that it changes nothing for I love you always will and when I will return home to you. I will marry you! And nothing in my control will stop breaking that promise to you or being my one only
I love you Elizabeth and I am sorry
Elizabeth bawls down with her knees on the floor as she opens the the telegram from mountie service stating
You fiance stop Jack Thornton stop has been missing in action stop possible taken by northern territory gang stop. Still presume alive stop on enroute to venture a rescuse stop. Will be bring home to you once found stop.
After reading both the real Jack letter and the telegram she bawls and screams thrusts opens the compartment where she found another letter from other Jack with the painting of the stars with the inscription.
She opens the letter reads after reading it she screams tearing and riping apart the letter and Jack starry night painting she get single piece of paper writes one single message puts in envelope along with the ripped up pieces of his letter and starry night painting. And puts inside the compartment slamming it shut!
Then Elizabeth packs a few of her things a note for Abigail to give to her students to take over once returms with Jack from the northern territory.
May 13 2017
The Sound of the slam awoke Rosemary from her nap.
Rosemary became startled getting up from the couch for the slam sounds were coming from the desk but how? She wondered.
Rosemary walked to the desk and she saw the middle compartment was wide open. She was simply going to close it since after it was Jack's desk. But once she was something was inside and seeing that Jack changes in behavior since Jack got the desk. Rosemary puts her hand inside takes out the envelope not address to anyone she opens it and takes out the teared up pieces of paper and a note. She opens the note that read
"You are a liar! "
Rosemary dumped out the teared up of the paper on the table to piece together Jack's starry night painting she was heartbroken to see that Jack made the same painting for a different woman. The note was right Jack was liar. But she was not going to let Jack get away with it. So she ransacked Jack's desk to find more letters from a woman named Elizabeth she reads them all of them and is even more finding diffcult how Jack could lie to her like this
An hour later
Jack return home after thinking he should admit the truth to Rosemary and give her the choice to end their relationship for his decite. But when Jack entered the apartment dark and the only light was coming from the fireplace where Rosemary was sitting reading something.
Jack asked, "What are you reading my darling?"
Rosemary throws bunch of papers at him and replied, Why don't you tell me, Jack? "
He picks up the papers to see that they were all Elizabeth 's letters to him. He was caught and in trouble there was no way out now.
"Well, Jack are you going to tell me the truth this time or are you just going to lie some more."
Jack replied "I am sorry, Rosemary. "
Rosemary saps Jack across the face drop all the letters on the floor again he was about to pick them up again she demanded him.
"Let them go, Jack ! I don't want to hear your apologies or lies. What I want from you is the truth."
Jack stands back up and admits "Rosemary ever since I got the desk I . .."
" The Desk... What is so special about this desk.? " in anger she kicks it as Jack tires to tell her the truth.
"I feel my life our lives are not how they should be. Rosemary do believe in past lives.?"
" What? like recreation that sort of thing! "
"Yes, Rosemary, this is going to sound crazy but I think that I am that I was Jack Thornton in a past life the one who bought this desk two hundred years ago for his fiancee Elizabeth. And "
"And what " Rosemary hissed grabbing handful of the letters off the floor and added "You expected me to believe this that after all you never loved me and it was this Elizabeth woman the whole time because you might have a past life with her, Jack do you know how crazy that sounds."
Jack is trying for her to understand as he tries to tell her, "Rosemary I do love and care for you it is just not what
" you and Elizabeth have. Fine if you really believe that I am gone, but you know what? "
Rosemary adds "I am taking Elizabeth with me" she throws the last note from Elizabeth
He reads the four words "You are a liar"
Rosemary adds "You are a liar and I am happy your dear Elizabeth sees that now" she takes the letters in her hand by the fireplace and tells him, "You have no use for these now, Jack" and throws the letters into the fire
Jack yells no has he tries to fetch before they burnt but it was too late they were gone so was Rosemary and his most beloved Elizabeth he alone he had nothing but at least he still had the desk. While watching the fire dying now he wrote one last to Elizabeth confessing everything Elizabeth deserve to know the real man she was writing to He just hope with time and paitence that she will forgive him
And this is what Jack Lissing wrote to Elizabeth Thatcher
Dear Elizabeth
You are right. I am a liar, I am Jack Lissing not your Thornton and I am sorry for lying to you and finding out in a heartbreaking matter that cause additional pain along with your Jack being away. I just want to comfort you ensure you that love does conquer all. I know that no right to have any excuse for lying to you because in my heart and mind I really do believe that i am your Jack lost in time in the future in 2018. I know crazy and mad but I seriously believe i was your Jack in a past life. And there is reaso n why can write simply communicated with via through this desk which has given me new sense of purpose in hope in my life. I hope the life that i am living with you right now is good one a happy one.
Maybe in my time I will find you and love you as you loved me in the past. Time. Life God and love are precious things we should hold on to and I will hold it. Elizabeth because you know truest form of love never ceases nor dies just like the bible says in 2 Corinthians If I do not hear from you nor grant me forgiveness i understand for some part of me does not deserve it in any way. But i am asking that if you can forgive in loving you so much that I pray nothing but happiness for you.
All my love no matter what
Jack Lissing
After writing the letter he puts inside the desk compartment and decides to try and sleep hope to wake to better life tomorrow. As Jack was sleeping burning from the died down fire flew off the in to the capret that sparked into a small fire in the living room. Jack asleep not smelling the smoke or seeing the fire as he felt every go hazy and dark.

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