Getting Close pt.2

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Nicki's POV:

Chainz came close and started yelling at me. He pushed me and Wayne back a little and Rih got upset.

"Nigga is you crazy!?" She yelled.

"Bitch back off!" he said about to hit her. Mack grabbed him and picked him man handling him.

After Chainz tried to attack me mack threw him and his shit out the house.

I shook my head as Rih went to then other house.

"Everyone just chill for the rest of the day" I said going upstairs with Wayne. I didn't bother to change. He kicked off his shoes and got in bed with me.

"Can I hold you?" he asked.

"Yes, please" I said getting into his arms.

"That nigga deserved to go home. He didn't like you from the start. Just never showed it" .

"Well I'm glad I see it now. Gosh you guys are crazy " I said. He laughed.

"We got something to be crazy about" he said I looked at him.

"Are you crazy about me?" I asked.

"Very" he said. I smiled and kissed him. He looked surprised after I pulled away.

"Man I've been waiting for that" he said happily. I laughed. I was about to get up but he pulled me back down and grabbed my face kissing me more deeply. He held me in his lap and I couldn't resist. His hands rubbed all over my body and his tongue explored my mouth. I was getting very turned on as he took control. Wayne flipped us over to where he was on top of me and kissed down my neck.

Safaree's POV:

Me and the guys were around the house. All of a sudden I see Parker by Nicki's door.

"Man what bare you doing?" I asked.

"I think they about to have sex" he said.

"What?!" I said.

"Come listen" he said. I walked over and listened. I heard small moans and I started getting upset. Then I heard talking and a door shut. I know they didn't have sex. If they did Wayne will be a dead man to all of us.

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