Family: Day 2 pt. 2

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Nicki's POV:

While sleeping I felt myself about to wake up from something disturbing me. I get up and see Char walking into my room. He closed the door and came up to me.

"Nicki I need to talk to you" he said sitting on Thebes with me.

"Char I was napping. I will talk to you later" I said.

"Later? I can't wait for later. We need to talk now" he said getting loud.

"Calm down" I said.

"I'm sorry but Nicki I really need you to hear me out." He said.

"What do you have to say?" I asked looking at him. I watched as he leaned up to my face and kissed me. I couldn't kiss back and I didn't want it nor liked it so I pulled away. He just looked at me and kissed me again but this time I pushed him off me. He then grabbed me roughly pinning me down on my bed and forced me to kiss him. I fought him off me and stood up going to the door.

"You're crazy" I said. He pulled me to him. "Ow! You're hurting my arm Charlamagne!" I yelled.

"Nicki give me a chance to prove myself!" He yelled at me grabbing me tightly. I started to cry.

"No! Get off me!" I cried. He locked my door and held me so tight I was going numb.

"I love you and I'm sorry" he said taking out his penis while holding my arm hard. I tried to get out of his grip but I struggled. He pushed me on the bed and got ontop of me. I slid from under him but he pulled me back and pinned me down more. I moved my legs and kicked him in his knee. He let me go in pain and I got away. I looked at him feeling alittle bad but when he looked back at me I was even more scared for myself. He ran towards me and threw me on the floor. I got up and tried to run off again but he caught me and entered inside me with no hesitation and went fast.

"Let's see how much pain you will be in after this" he said as I whined.

Rih's POV:

I walked into the house about to go and wake up Nicki and get the guys ready for elimination. I called everyone down so they could get ready. Everyone came down but it wasn't everyone.

"Someone is missing" I said.

"Has anyone seen my son?" Asked Angie.

"Aaahhhh! Stoppp! Get out of meee!!!" We heard Nicki say screaming.

"Shut up you ungrateful ass bitch!" We heard a man yell.

"Omg is that char?" Asked Brit. We all looked at eachother then heard things breaking.

"MACK!!!!!" I screamed going upstairs. He came from somewhere following me. The others came rushing up. We heard Nicki screaming and crying.

"You're hurting me!" I heard her say crying.

"Stand back" said Mack. We all listened and he kicked into the door breaking it open. Behind the door was Nicki being raped by Char. Mack attacked him knocking him down as me and Nicki's mom rushed by her falling and crashing to the floor.

"I'll call the police" said Nas. Her mom went and got her towel running water in it and putting it over her forehead.

"She feels weak" I said worried. Safaree then came with Wayne and they picked her up laying her on the bed. I looked at Char knocked out on the floor.

"Mack what are you doing here?" Asked Mama Carol.

"I'm Nicki's bodyguard" he said.

"Why weren't you guarding the door?" She asked upset.

"Nicki told me not to guard her door" he said.

"So!?" She said.

"Mama I know you upset but it's not his fault. It's that nigga fault!" Said Jelani. Ming then walked in.

"Mama?" She asked.

"Omg" she said going to get Ming quickly.

"What's wrong with Nicki? And what's wrong with him? Is he dead. What's that?" She said asking questions. "Will they be okay?" She asked.

"Macaiah take your sister" she said. He did as she said and then the police and ambulance came rushing in. They put Nicki on the stretcher and the police questioned everyone. Char was then put in handcuffs.

"I will be at the hospital with Nicki and her family. The competition is post poned" I said to everyone leaving. I then walked back into the house. "And no one get any bright ideas". I said then left back out. I left Mack in charge and I know he will handle things.

(2 hours later)

Nicki's POV:

I woke up in pain in my virgina. I looked around and seen bruises on my arms and legs. I pushed my nurse button slowly. After just a few seconds a women came in.

"Can I help you?" She asked.

"Can you explain what's going on?" I asked. She got my clip board looking at it.

"You were raped and abused. We did a pregnancy test and a few more test just to check you" I said.

"Oh lord, am I pregnant?" I asked.

"No but you are hurt in many ways I'm sure" she said.

"Yeahh. Is there anyone here for me I can see or talk to?" I asked.

"Your family" she said. I nodded and she walked out to get them. I seen my mom walk in holding Ming as she slept along with my brothers and Rih.

"Baby are you okay?" Asked my mom.

"No. I'm hurting" I said.

"I should of beat that nigga" said Jelani. "I never liked char" he added.

"That makes two of us" I said.

"Nika what happened?" Asked my mom.

"I was sleep. I kept hearing something. I look up and there stood Charlamagne trying to talk and I didn't want to. I just wanted to sleep. I said I would talk to him before elimination and he got mad cuz I wasn't up to hearing him trying to pour his heart out to me" I said. "What happened after I passed out?" I asked.

"Well I came in and tried to get the guys together and to make sure you were getting ready, then Angie was trying to find char, we heard you then I called Mack to help me get to you and yeah" she said.

"You were out and so was he" said Macaiah.

"Ugh. I'm so sorry y'all had to see that." I said.

"See? We sorry you had to feel" he said.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"Jail." Said Rih. "Plus m and your mom were helping you and then Safaree and Wayne came to help lay you on your bed" she said.

"Awe" I said.

"Nicki has this happened before?" Asked my mom.

"No. Char is crazy. The other guys are okay." I said.

"Well restraining order is coming to him" she said.

"Nic I told the guys the competition would be postponed until we figure out things and get things back to normal some way" said Rihanna.

"Well I know who my bottom three should be. I would like for my mom and them to take a vote on who should stay and go." I said.

"Sounds fair" she said. My nurse then came in.

"She has to get more rest" she said. Everyone said bye leaving out the room. I laid down thinking. Nas, Safaree and Wayne. Bottoms three. It's only between them. But who is the one?

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