Meet The Family pt.1

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Nicki's POV:

Today is the day that i meet all the guys families. It'll be either their siblings or their parents. They don't know but I do and im kinda nervous. I told the guys to get ready in something nice. I was wearing a cute little sundress from my collection and my hair straightened. I had on heels that went with them and Rih looked pretty casual herself.

"So they don't know?" She asked as I put on my accessories.

"Nope" I answered. I turned and looked at the remaining guys pictures on my wall.

"All I know is that atleast one or two people for each guy is coming.

"Wow, and you're not nervous at all?" She asked.

"No" I said. We then walked downstairs and the guys all stood waiting. "Rih are the rooms ready?" I asked.

"Yes" she answered.

"Nicki are we going somewhere fancy?" Asked Drake.

"Yeah but we need to wait just alittle while" I said.

"For what?" Asked Waka.

"Nicki their here" said Mack walking in.

"For that" I said answering as a bunch of people came into the house. I watched as they all hugged their family being surprised to see them. I let them take it in then spoke.

"Welcome everyone. I'm Nicki Minaj" I said. They all greeted me as I went around. I went to Wayne.

"Nicki this is my mom and daughter Reginae and Jacida Carter" he said.

"Nice to meet you." I said. I try to spend atleast a minute or two for the greeting. I then went to Waka.

"Nicki this is my mom Debra" he said.

"Oh, nice to meet you" I said shaking her hand.

"You too. You're very pretty" she said. I laughed.

"Thank you" I said. I went over to Safaree.

"Nicki this is my sister Sydney" he said.

"Hi, nice to meet you Sydney" I said.

"You too. I'm a big fan" she said.

"Oh thank you so much" I said. I then walked over to Drake.

"Mom this is Nicki" Drake said.

"Hello. I'm Sandi and this is my husband Dennis" she said. I shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you both" I said.

"Drake you really know how to choose. This one is gorgeous" his dad said. I just blushed going to Nas.

"Dad this is Nicki. Nicki this is my dad-"

"Olu Dara" I said. "Nas I knew you were famous too but I love your dads poetry" I said.

"Oh thank you." He said.

"Nice meeting you" I said going to Char. I just hugged his mom and sister.

"Hey Nicki" they both said.

"Hey Brit and Angie" I said.

"I knew he always liked you" said Brit his sister. I laughed.

"And I knew y'all would end up together one way or another" said Angie. I laughed some more.

"Y'all with these assumptions. Like nah, your son is the one chasing after me" I said.

"Is it true?" She asked. He just flashed a smile. She shook her head.

"Oh boy" she said. I laughed and went by the door.

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