Ex's & Family are Challenging pt. 2

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Nicki's POV:

I watched as the guys came back along with my sister. I also seen her grab Safaree's hand and hold it walking up to me.

"Ming what are you doing?" I asked looking at them both.

"Nothing" she said with a familiar smile.

"I think she has a crush on me" he said.

"Yeah me too" I said.

"Nika pick Safaree" she said. I laughed.

"Wow this is interesting. What did you do that impressed my sister?" I asked.

"Nothing." He said.

"Ming why do you like Safaree?" I asked.

"He's cute and I like his name" she said. I laughed.

"Well can I talk to Safaree alone?" I asked her. She smiled walking away.

"She is cute but I like you more" he said. I giggled.

"Try not to break her heart too much on that" I said. He laughed with me.

"So you wanna ride?" He asked referring to my bike.

"Question is do you wanna ride?" I asked.

"I'd ride anything that has to do with you" he said smirking. I laughed.

"How about you get your own and I will kick all your asses again!" I yelled at the guys. They laughed meeting me at the finish line. Rihanna counted down and everyone's bike engines started. I was in the lead until Safaree and Wayne were infront and competing against eachother. I laughed seeing Wayne win and rub it in Safaree's face. I got off my bike and when I'm about to walk up to them game steals a kiss from my cheek.

"Gotchaaaa" he sang walking away. I shook my head laughing more.

"Congrats Wayne" I said hugging him. I leaned into his ear. "You will be rewarded later" I said. He smiled at me.

"Safaree will be rewarded for coming in second. Nas you were technically third so, so will you" I said.

"Where is our reward?" Asked August.

"You don't have one. And I'm hungry so let's go out to eat" I said grabbing my things. Rihanna laughed going with me.

"They still like you and you know it" she said. "Why did you ever break up with them?" She asked.

"August is still young and childish while the Game is too serious. He is like another obsessed" I said.

"Well your obsession is coming towards you" she whispered. I felt him wrap his arm around my neck and walk me to the car.

"So Nicki"

"Nope" I said stopping him. "Not going there with you" I said.

"But Nicki you don't even know what I was gonna say" he said.

"Yes I do Jayceon" I said saying his real name. He smiled. "Yeah nigga" I said. He laughed. Everyone got into the car.

"Nicki mom is tired. And I want a salad" she said.

"Well we can stop and order" I said.

"I want ice cream" said Ming.

"Nicki me and Game can go get something and bring it back to the house" said August.

"Awe, really?" I asked.

"Yeah, ain't no thing but a chicken wing" said Game. Ming laughed.

"Are you sure? I don't want it to be too much?" I said.

"Nicki we got you" said August.

"Yeah, just chill shawty" said Game.

"If you say so. Get me a chicken salad with my mom then" I said as the car stopped ate the house. I got out with my family and the guys.

"I take it every guy wants a burger" said August going to get into his car with Game. I went inside and took off my Jordan's laying on the couch. Everyone else was around in the livingroom somewhere. We just chilled til the guys got back with the food and when they did I was impressed.

"Ming you have a kids meal with some ice cream" said August. She smiled and took her food. The guys got their burgers and me and my mom had a chicken and bacon salad. With a drink of pink lemonade. Rihanna walked in the door eating a bag of chips.

"Good thing my house is next door" she said. I laughed.

"What did you eat?" I asked.

"Noodles. Quick and there for me at anytime" she said. I laughed with the guys.

"Too true" I said going to August and Game hugging both their waist. "Thanks guys" I said. They both hugged me back.

"Anytime and anything for you" said Game.

"Yeah Onikaaaaa" said August.

"Oh shut up with that" I said walking away. "Come up to my room in five minutes so we can talk" I said to my family and Rih with my ex's. I went upstairs leaving my door open and went to put my hair up in a ponytail. I sat on my bed looking at the remaining guys pictures. I wonder who else besides Ming was impressed.

"Knock knock" said My mom coming in. Rih came in last closing the door.

"Okay so who are the guys you think should stay?" I asked.

"Well I like Nas, Wayne and Safaree. Waka is okay and Drake just doesn't seem like he is trying." Said my mom.

"I like Drake, he cool, but he not here for you. I like the other four more anyways" said Jelani.

"I agree" said Macaiah.

"Safaree is the one I choose but I like Nas too. Wayne is okay but I don't like him like that. Neither do I like Drake or Waka." Said Ming.

"We just go with Nas, Safaree and Wayne." Said Game.

"Yeah, they the ones really here for you" said August.

"I like Nas. Wayne and Safaree too but Nas is the main one" said Rihanna.

"Well I know who will be going home. Alright y'all go get ready then" I said walking them to the door.

"Nicki can we talk?" Asked August being the last to leave.

"Sure" I said. He moved me closing the door. "Um" I said.

"Nicki I still love you. I never meant to be childish or anything and I never took our relationship as a joke." He said.

"I know that" I said.

"And you know Game was a cheater but I never cheated on you. You were enough for me." He said.

"Yeah but your mom never liked me" I said.

"So, my mom is my mom. I'm a mamas boy. She will never think anyone is perfect for me. But that doesn't matter because I loved you no matter what her opinion was" he said. He came towards me and grabbed my waist.

"Nicki why did you give up on us?" He asked.

"Because we are different from eachother August. And you were busy all the time. I mean so was I but atleast I made time for you" I said.

"Nicki we both aren't busy anymore. We are at a place in our lives and our careers where we can try this again." He said.

"August I have to get ready" I said.

"Think about it please" he said. He pecked my lips and left out my room. I took a deep breathe and went to get ready.

-one more to update next

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