Family: Day 2 pt.1

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Nicki's POV:

I woke up next to Wayne up and watching tv. I sat up rubbing my eyes and stretching.

"Good morning baby" he said turning off the tv.

"Morning" I said back. He leaned over and gave me a kiss on the lips and I swear that kiss was so sweet. His lips were soft too. He pulled away smiling. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing, you're just cute when you first wake up" he said. I laughed.

"Oh. I get that a lot" I said teasing on my way to the bathroom. He chuckled following me.

"What are your plans for today?" He asked. I ran shower water while thinking.

"Umm... I think something to do with your families" I said answering. He just looked at me while I laughed.

"Okay I get it. I'll find out later" he said. I laughed and went up to kiss him. He grabbed and held my waist kissing me back. I felt my gown rise up my ass and then over my head. I felt up on his friend and pulled down his bottoms continuing to kiss him. He walked me backwards to the tub and sat me down inside it while joining. He pulled me close kissing on my neck. I softly moaned as he rubbed my spot under the water. I then felt his fingers enter inside me and I moaned louder. Gradually they would get louder. Wayne wrapped my legs around him holding me. I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him more.

"I really need to bathe" I said giggling as he laughed with me. We stayed in the tub and bathed together then got out getting over our time to play. He wrapped himself in a towel getting his clothes as I wrapped myself in a towel too. I looked in the mirror taking down my hair and plugged my curlers in. I turned on my pink pill and met Wayne by my room doors.

"See you later baby" he said. I blushed and kissed him. We pulled away right after hearing a knock at the door.

"This is Terrence. Whoever is in there evacuate before I beat ass for Onika!" He said making a beat on the door. I laughed while Wayne was just in shock laughing. I opened my door.

"Terrence you're dumb" I said laughing and hugging him. Rihanna came up the stairs laughing. I watched as everyone was walking around the house. I really need to get ready for today.

"Okay Wayne you gotta go" said Rih. He kissed my cheek then left. Terrence and Rih came into my room.

"Damn you in a house with a lot of men and don't hit a nigga up" he said looking at my clothes. I cackled laughing with Rih.

"It's a competition boy" I said starting on my hair before he started messing with me.

"Tanya Onika" he said. I laughed.

"It's Onika Tanya Terrence" I said.

"I said Tanya Onika women" he said bringing me an outfit. I laughed.

"I can't concentrate with you in here" I said.

"Seem like she can't concentrate with me out of here either" said him and Rih at the same time. We all laughed.

" I can't" I said closing the bathroom door trying to get ready. I put on a black skirt with a black top and some heels. I curled my hair and walked out my bathroom spraying my perfume. "Come on baddies" I said walking out the room. They followed laughing. All the guys were downstairs with their families looking nice.

"Hello everyone, good morning" I said happily.

"Morning Nicki" they all said.

"Okay so today I thought we would just get to know eachother more. Plus I have a surprise for everyone. Also tonight will be an elimination and I have my mind made up on someone but someone else will be leaving too. So try your best to stay in the safe zone." I said and started walking out the door with them. I was sitting between Safaree and Nas and talking to everyone on our way to the place. We arrived and everyone started getting curious because they saw us driving on a bridge with water looking like an ocean underneath us.

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