How to get a guy tips

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Love Who You Are

Love yourself. A guy is much more likely to notice a woman who loves who she is. If you look like you're already content with yourself and your life, then the guy will want to be a part of it -- if you look desperate to find a guy to make you feel whole, you'll be much less likely to attract any man who comes your way.

Learn to love being yourself -- not meeting someone else's standards of beauty or of how a woman should act.
Love whatever you do, whether it's talking to friends or being in class. A guy will be able to tell if you're content with living your life, and will want to join in.
Love your looks. Though you may feel like it's impossible to really love the way you look, it's easier than you think. Find three aspects of your looks that you truly adore and focus on emphasizing those when you get dressed. If you're unhappy with your figure, you can exercise to build muscle and burn fat -- this will also make you feel more energetic and positive. Do whatever you have to do to truly love the way you look, and any man will be sure to follow.

You don't need to get a wardrobe makeover to feel good about how you look in your clothes -- just wearing a few key items that you love can make you look and feel good no matter what.
You don't need to wear three layers of make-up, either. Just wear whatever makes you feel pretty while staying comfortable.
Keeping up good hygiene by showering daily and washing your hair as often as you need to will also make you feel good about your looks.
Don't try to look like everyone else. If you have gorgeous curly hair or cute but small breasts, don't try to hide your unique features or emphasize what you don't have.
Don't keep checking your reflection in a mirror or window whenever you're out. This will make guys think that you're insecure about your looks -- save the scrutiny for the ladies' room.
Have fun wherever you go. A guy will be much more likely to notice you if you just look like you're having a good time. Though it may be hard to look like you're having a good time if you're taking a math test or sitting in a waiting room at the dentist, you should always stay positive, smile whenever you can, and laugh often.

If a guy sees you out with friends, you'll look much more appealing if you're laughing, giggling, and just looking like you're having a great time.
Don't spend all of your time looking around the room for someone better to talk to or checking your phone -- if you look like you don't want to be there, a guy will take the hint and leave you alone.
Don't look desperate for attention. It's great to catch the guy's eye from time to time and to go back to laughing with your friends. It's not-so-great to stare at the guy, smile too eagerly, and step away from your friends as you wait for him to approach you. Don't apply your makeup in public, fidget with your outfit, or keep walking past the guy a hundred times hoping he'll catch on. This will certainly make him notice you -- but not in a good way.

If he doesn't notice you right away, don't force it by awkwardly tapping him or winking at him. This will only push him away.

Get his attention

Walk by him. Walking by the guy will help get his attention. Just walk by with a purpose, your head held high and your posture straight. Don't linger or walk like you don't know where you're going, but don't march right past him, either. Just walk slowly enough for him to notice you, to check out your cute outfit, and to see that he wants to know you better.

If you're walking towards a friend with big smile on your face, that will get your guy's attention even more.
Catch his eye. If you want the guy to notice you, then you should hold his gaze for just the right amount of time. Don't longingly stare into his eyes for hours -- just keep eye contact for a few seconds to show him you're interested. Don't look too eager, but let him see that you'd be open to talking if he approached you. You can even give the guy a little smile to show that you want to see where this goes.

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