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      I looked into this mans eyes like he was crazy. before he could say something i put my finger to my mouth and quietly whispered a spell. Once i was done i looked at this so called kol and said the first thing that popped into my mind.

"how did u find me?"

" well darling you should be careful on what parties you go to."

" so you basically stalked me home."

"well. i wou...."

i cut him off "how did u get in, i can tell your a vampire and i don't remember me inviting you in"

" well darling I've been invited in before. you've only been here for about 3 years."

"how do u know that."

" you know what i want to know..... how come no one can here are conversation"

"Because of my spell smarty pants"

  me and kol talked a bit more and he told me some about my family. like how they were as kids and all the funny stories. the thing is though, when i first met kol, like an hour ago, he seemed one of those keep everything to themselves tuff guy. but right now were both laughing about how Elijah and Finn were talking in high pitched girl voices while wearing a corset, when they were younger.

  i grew quickly to like kol and as did he to i.

After our long talk about each other it was about 2 AM. i grew tiered and when i told kol he said he would leave me to rest.

" good night " kol said

" night cherry blossom"

"cherry blossom?"

" i call people things..... Damon's butter cup _yawns_ and your cherry blossom"

"yea um no..... but goodnight darling"

And with that he turned off the light and left me in the dark 


Stephens POV


    i walked up to the familiar door and opened it without caring.

there i saw hope just jump out of bed and go into attack mode.

"don't worry just me"

" why r u in my room..... oh no DONT SEE ME WITH BED HEAD GET OUT!!"

she yelled

" relax I'm just here to tell you that I'm going to go to school and drop a visit to all of the wonderful people"

i said with s smirk

" your starting to sound like Damon.... hey can i come with?"

______Hopes P.O.V_______


     the truth is I've always wanted to go to school. being 17 and getting all of my smartness from a computer screen gets tiring. i barely have a friend. The only other person I've talked to was this girl named Elena. Elena is the doupleganger and is also in love with Stephen and Damon. Witch kind of sucks because when she dumps them or fights i have to be the one to pick up the pieces.

Elena and i are no where near close, i barley see her because I'm always with Stephen or Damon. My only other friend or person i know is Matt, the guy who works at the grill.

Him and i talk a lot when i go there, One time he even cut work to eat lunch with me, He's so sweet. If Damon or Stephan ever found out they would probably band me from the Grill.

_____ At school_____

        At school Stephen had to compel the lady in the office to fit his schedule. I know Stephen has no emotions but sometimes i think he still cares.

  My first class was history with Mr. Saltzman i think. and before i could go to the class i had to go to my locker.

When i was at my locker i heard a familiar voice that made me tense up

"Hope?" Matt said confused

i turned around "hi Matt!"

" i didn't know u went to this school"

"i usually don't its actually my first day!"

"oh cool want some help"


"no I'm helping her" Stephen cut in

"oh ok well see you around hope"

then Matt walks away.

"oh overprotective much"

i saw sarcastically

"i may have my switch off but that doesn't mean you can date"

"WHAT! me and Matthew are freaking friends!" i say

"i see the way you look at him"

_______after school_____

after school i decided to go pay a visit to my diary

Dear diary,

today i went to school.

i meet a few people like Caroline and bonnie and i also caught up with Elena. the only thing is, they invited me to a party. with me being the one to never go to anything or socialize, i agreed. i just hope I can sneak out with two vampires watching me.

___closes diary____

"huff what to do, what to do"

i think about what to do and then i remember about kol....... i wonder when he will visit again

   It was getting late so i took a shower and watched some tv while my hair dried, and when David Tennet was about to save Martha i heard a boom from downstairs.

i can only imagine what happens next.




btw she was watching doctor who while she was drying her hair


um sorry doctor who is my 3rd fav show after Vampire diaries and The Originals


ko: vote darlings

me: tell your friends about this book

Stephen: and don't forget to comment what you wanna see

hope: you know what is sad I DONT HAVE A BOYFRIEND maybe it should be Matt he's cute

Matt: ummm hi

me: ok y'all see ya next time BYE

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