breaking bones

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    it was dark and cold.

i couldn't see anything but a light far away. i started to walk towards it that's when i realized that there was a stake in my stomach. i yelled in pain of  taking it out. then i see some one

"help!" i yell but the only thing i hear is a bunch of mumbles of Latin.

the next thing i know I'm on the ground holding my stomach in pain. i feel my bones crack in my arms and then by my legs. i feel my eyes get blurry and my jaw clenched. then i see a girl with long black hair walk up to me and says.

"New Orleans is my home now."

then i black out.


     i wake up painting and sweating.

It's just a dream i keep telling myself. That's when i realize I'm not in my own room, I'm in a cell with a big mental door in front of me. I also realize my clothes are torn and bloody........ i can only imagine what happened. I try doing a spell to break open the door but i can't? i wonder why.

"don't even try to use your magic, it wont work"

said a deep American voice.

"Who are you?"

He looks at me and i immediately recognize those blood eyes.

"That's for me to know and you to figure out"

he said

"do i know you?"

"not yet at least, but lets just say I'm your worst nightmare"

"hmmm i think your name is going to be orange bush"

"orange bush???"

"i name people things and your orange bush wait to RAINBOW SHEEP!!! that's your name"

i say happily

"what? aren't you afraid child?"

"listen blood eyed rainbow sheep, I'm not afraid of anything!"

"That's soon going to change...... fluffy duck"

" toshay rainbow sheep" then i felt a pain in my arm, a wooden bullet to be exact.

"stop making friends with the prisoner" said a female

"Some ones jealous" i said to show her i wasn't afraid

"Listen you annoying brat. your my bait for Klaus so don't get me mad or i might just kill you."

"actually you wont I'm too much of a leverage" i say

Then the lady types on a phone and the next thing you know my dad is freaking out on the phone.

"you have 48 hours to give me kol Michelson or else hope is dead"

then she shoots 3 bullets at me and i yell in pain

"tic tock"

the woman says then hangs up

"torture her"

"yes master"

the woman walks away and then the man shoots 4 more bullets at me.

     I cough up blood. I'm not healing either witch is bad.

"Why are you doing this to me"

"Because it's funny"

he simply replies

then sends a stake through the tiny bared window on the metal doors and it hits me right in the stomach. i yell in pain and then i see him looking through the bars making sure he's in the shadows

always hiding with those little red sparkling blood eyes.


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