17 bloody years

718 13 4

    I was in my cell on the floor trying to take out pieces of wood from my waist. Since my clothes were torn and bloody it didn't make a difference if i showed a little more waist then usual. I was removing a big splinter when the devil walked through the door.

"are you hurting her?" said the woman

"everyday" ty replied.

"use more vervain she looks too well"

"of course" then he through a vervain lased stake at me.

I screamed in pain ready to die already.

Once the girl left Tyler apologized


"i just got finished taking out the first one!"

i nagged

"i have to do this!, ill be killed if i don't"

"ty I'm not healing, I'm dieing!"

i yell

Then Tyler is silent. Not three seconds later i hear a crack and Tyler is on the ground revealing a man in a tux standing behind him. The Tuxedo has a baby blue tie on it and just by that one feature i knew who it is.

"kol" i say

"hey so are we going to go now or are we going to wait all day mate?" he says and then breaks open the door.

   I stand up but fall back down because of the stake in my stomach. Kol catches me and picks me up then takes me home.

Once I'm home i get the stake out and have a glass of blood.

"your alive?" i ask

"your alive?" kol repeats

"ha well that question goes both ways. But thank you uncle kol"

"my pleasure hope"

Klaus burst through the door and is by his daughter in seconds.


"Hahaha ok slow down, yes I'm OK, yes I'm hurt but healing and finally kill the girl not the boy."

"Why not the boy?" my father responds

"Because I've taken a liking to him"

"OH HELL NO"  Yells my mom from the door way

I'm just silent and so is every one else, Kol breaks the silence

"well mate, I'll let you all have the birds and the bees talk and ill be on my way"  Then he exits

( klaus Haley hope )

" he tortured you"

"he was forced!"

"he will be killed"

"No he won't!!"

" baby please you need to understand!"



" NEVER ONCE DID YOU TRY TO CONTACT ME!......... I've been living a life of Bloody Hell!"


"DON'T YOU HOPE ME..... the closest I've had to family was a freaking gold fish!"

" were sorry"

"It's to late for apologise......... 17 years 17 YEARS!"

"please let us explain!"

"NO! if you wont let him live then FINE! but don't you ever EVER tell me what to do, You've NEVER BEEN THERE! you have no right to control me!" then i storm out of the room crying

  I run down stairs and to the basement where i sit in a corner and cry.

About 3 mins later i feel warm arms around me and realize it's Rebecca.

"17 bloody years" i say through tears

"17 bloody years" Rebecca repeats


sorry so short and sorry for lectures but i think hope has a lot to say so there you go!

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btw i changed my name and icon!

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